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Sniffer: Welcome to Fernfield, where we like to say everything is possible. I've been the deputy of this here town since way back when, but never have I seen an adventure quite like the one I'm about to tell you. As you probably already know, Fernfield is home to the world-famous Air Bud, a true sports legend whose first love had always been the game. But that all changed the day Molly, a brown-eyed gal with golden locks, moved in across the street and Buddy fell head over tail for her. Gosh, it was enough to make my old heart skip a beat. It wasn't long before we heard the pitter-patter of little paws. Buddy and Molly were blessed with five adorable puppies, known around these parts as the Buddies. Let's see. You got the big fella, Budderball. You just can't seem to fill this pup up.

"Honey, I can't find a matching shoe."

Sniffer: B-Dawg is a B-balling homedoggie who the kids say is all about the bling-bling. Buddha is one of them Zen puppies, you know, always meditating and doing that yoga stuff. Mudbud, well, his name says it all. He'd take mud over a Milk-Bone any day. And last but not least, Rosebud. Don't let her pretty looks fool you. She's as feisty as her brothers. These little Buddies were growing up fast.

" Buddies?"

Sniffer: And becoming a handful, enough to tire out a young'un, let alone an old geezer like myself. Hey, I'm down here. I'm Deputy Sniffer. This here is Sheriff Bob. Now, there comes a time in every pup's life when he must say goodbye to the home he once knew and say hello to a new one, and that's where our story begins.

" Noah! Come on! We've gotta go now!"

" We're gonna be late for the game."


You go downstairs. I'll be right there.

Oh, good. The sitter's here.

I prefer the professional distinction of "nanny,"

if you don't mind.

Hello, Buddy.

Hi, Mrs. Niggles.

I'm serious. You guys need to chill.

I'll be back soon, OK?

Sorry. I had to say goodbye.

I think they're bummed that they can't come.

Oh. Well, go say hi.

Hi, Mrs. Niggles.

I worked all day on this little piece of perfection.

Blueberry pie, just for my favorite little boy.

Did somebody just say, "Blueberry pie"?

Budderball, put a muzzle on it.

They'll hear us.

Dudes, if we wanna go to the game, we're gonna have to get by Niggles.

Words of wisdom, Mudbud.

This game's gonna be off-the-chain insane.

- Where are the little darlings?

- They're in their room.

- Time to go.

- Bye, Buddies!

Have fun.

Come on, guys. Follow me.

Where might you think you're going? Oh! I know what you little Buddies want. Bath time it is.

- Hi, Wilma, Bob.

- Hi, guys.

- You guys ready for the game?

- Let's get this show on the road.

My main man. Hey.

How are the Buddies doing?

They're with Mrs. Niggles, having the time of their life.

That's what they thought when Miss Niggles baby-sat us when we were little.

- She always made us take naps.

- Don't forget baths.

What was it she used to say?

Cleanliness is next to godliness. One, two, three, four. Somebody's missing. Come here, you mucky pup. In you pop. Oh, bath time is so much fun. Rub-a-dub-dub, five pups in a tub. Have a nice nap. Now, you behave. I'll be back in an hour.

Nobody tells B-Dawg he's gotta take a nap.

Careful. Gotta make sure she doesn't see us.

Hey, look. She's got a ball.

If the Buddies can't go to the game, the game will come to the Buddies.

Shh. Mrs. Niggles is finding her inner peace.

She's falling asleep.

I don't know about inner piece,

I want a piece of pie.

She's going.

- Going.

- Going.

- Going.

- Going.

And she's gone.

- I'm going in.

- Yeah. Let's do it.

Superstar Rosebud has stolen the ball.


B-Dawg shoots.

Oh. Nothing but net.

If Mudbud gets this point, the Beach Volleyball

World Championship is his.

Be one with the ball.

Budderball wins the Super Bowl, and now for a little postgame celebration.

Check it out. Budderball's going for the pie.

You can do it, Budderball.

You can do it.

Come on.

Yo, way to go.


Hoo hoo hoo!

Budderball, have I told you lately you're my main pup?

Oh! Oh, my goodness!

Uh-oh. We woke up Mrs. Niggles.

No worries, dudes. She's stuck.

Ooh, you rascals are in big trouble! Help! Help! Oh, my beautiful pie! How could you?

I hope the puppies are behaving. They're getting to be a handful.

So stuffed.

Your parents are home. You're in big trouble now.

Here we go.

- Come on. Everybody out.

- Whoo! Good job.

Uh, 'rents incoming!

We are so getting a yellow card for this one.

Dudes, time to skedaddle.

Where are you going?

What's for dessert?

Time to face the music!

Help! Help!

Oh, my gosh.

I'm all tied up here!

Not the palm!


I think it might be time.

You know, we've... we always knew this day would come.

Doesn't make it any easier, huh?

Are we really getting rid of them, Dad?

We're not getting rid of them.

Did we get rid of Josh and Andrea?

No. They went to college.


They went away so that they could learn, so they could grow.

This time is always hard for puppies.

It was hard for me when I was your age.

If you stayed here forever, you'd miss out on so much, like taking care of people of your own.

But I already got mad love for my peeps right here.

OK, but you're gonna have more peeps, which means more of that mad love, dear.

All right, good night.



Can we choose where the puppies go, like Josh and Andrea chose their colleges?

You betcha.

It's gonna be weird not seeing them every day.

I should probably get home to Henry.

- Good night, pups.

- Sweet dreams, Molly.

Hey, Buddy.

I'm gonna miss them, too.

How much would that cost?

$500. I don't want...

...see the final budget. Got it?

Mr. Livingstone, it is a pleasure to see you.


And you, too, Mr. Bartleby.

Wait till you see what I got you.

Ah. Isn't she a beauty?

What do you think, Bartleby?

What a great birthday present, huh?

But I wanted an animal that I could play with, that plays sports. I want Air Bud.

He can play basketball, football and soccer.

How much would that cost?

Oh. Well, there's one and only one Air Bud.

The price would be very high.

I'll give you $500,000.

Just get the Air Bud so my son will be happy for once.

- You really think we can get him?

- Bartleby.

Shall I prepare the tiger

for delivery, sir?

They don't want the tiger.

They want Air Bud.

The dog?

They want a domesticated mutt over this exotic beauty?

So it seems.

Now get out there and get that dog. Now!

And take my idiot nephew with you.

- Moi?

- Grim, sir?

I'd love to, but, uh, I'm swamped.

You know, video games to play, a nap scheduled for, uh...

I'm optimistic you can summon the brainpower to pick up the poop.

- Well...

- Aah!

...get going.

You'll get a lesson in girl power.

Girl power, schmirl power.

If you'll excuse me while I represent.

Wait for the whistle.

If I was any faster,

I'd get tomorrow's paper.

Puppy pile B-Dawg!

Hey, give me my paper.

Now, what did I teach you pups about teamwork?

I know you're trying to train them, but couldn't you bring me the Sunday paper?

Sure are gonna miss 'em.

That's time.

We'll contact you for an interview if you have what the puppies are looking for.

He's a math teacher, and he loves doing math equations for fun.


Well, these guys have a son who's five... and he loves baseball.

These guys look great.

Strike two!

Try again.

Strike three! You're out.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa. Wait, buddy.

Chasing someone with a stick.

That's not baseball. That's hockey.

Just think of the positive influence you'd be on that boy, Buddha.

No! Ow! Oh!

All right, well, the father is an artist, they have a four-year-old daughter and they love having picnics.

They're barbecuing zucchini? Yuck!

Hey, man, the veggie dogs are done!

Where's the beef?

Yay, finally. I love veggie dogs.

We gotta keep looking.

Here's the Finches. They have a little girl, and she loves soccer.



She's a bit of a showoff.

Well, Rosebud, she's trying to prove herself.

It's hard when you're the only girl.

Yes! Yes!

These guys have an 11-year-old son. His favorite activity is playing video games.


Hit it over the net.

Look out!

Yo, dude!

The dude's gotta loosen up.

He needs to learn that playing and getting dirty is a lot of fun.

Yo, pass the ball.

Got it.

Well, these guys look perfect. They have two kids. Parents are both dentists.

Go, go, go! Shoot it!

Yeah! Yeah!

Cover him. Shorty, shoot it.

Shorty, shoot the ball.

Ha! He's it.

You gots to be in it to win it.

His coach should tell him that.

Maybe he'd be more confident if he had a best friend to help him out.

Well, that's it, then.

It's unanimous, finally.

We'll call the families tomorrow.



Dudes, Mom saw me, so I had to hightail it out of there.

What's the 4-1-1?

They finished drafting us to different families.

I bet there was a bidding war for me.

Did they consider astrological compatibilities?

OK, we'll totally behave, and then we'll look super cute, and then, um... Well, then... then they'll change their minds.

It's too late, dudes. They're taking us to our new homes tomorrow.


But tomorrow is taco night.

Fernfield, right on schedule. Do you mind not violating Highway Code 401?

Just wanna see why dogs like it.

You OK? We found them all really good families.

I know, but do they have to go tomorrow?

It's not gonna get any easier if we wait.

Try to get a good night's sleep now, OK?

Letting go of the Buddies is gonna be harder than we thought.

Do you think they're ready?

I sure hope so. They're taking it pretty hard.

This is the location.

What do we do now?

We wait.

We work surveillance until an opportunity to strike arises.

You're on first watch.

There he is. There he is!

You'd better not be dreaming.

I spy with my little eye something that is furry.

There's two! Which one's Air Bud?

They both resemble the dog in the photo.


This is gonna be harder than I thought.

You guys awake?

You dudes awake?!

- Huh?

- What?

We are now.

Shush. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Is the paper here?

Dudes, I've been thinking about it, and I'm pretty sure we have to run away.


- Why?

- Huh?

Running away from our troubles won't solve our problems.

But at least we'll all be able to stay together.

That's an astute observation.

If you all agree, say, "Aye."


Help! Help!

We're short a Budderball.

Come on. Come on.

Don't pull at his paw!


Dog, that's disgusting.




Whee! Whoo-hoo!

W... wait a minute.

We forgot to pack a lunch.

What's the holdup up there?

I'm gonna pounce on that butt

if you don't move it.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Come on.

The dogs!

They've shrunk.

And multiplied?

Must've been Air Bud and his missus before. This must be their puppies.

Where the puppies lead, Mommy and Dad are sure to follow.

This way. Follow me, dogs.

Wait up!

Maybe we should get the pups instead of the adults.

They sure are cuter.

That was not the assignment, Grim, but a good employee does know when to improvise, and they will serve well as bait.

Oh, sweet mama.

Mmm. Doughnuts.

There he is.


He's going for it.

Come to papa.

Let me at it. Give me that doughnut.


Aw, let go. Let go!

Oh! Got him!

Wait. Did you guys hear that?

Where's Budderball?

Dudes! The doughnut shop!

Maybe I should hang back and, you know, keep it real, and... I might need a pooper-scooper. Guys, wait up.

Buddy: The pups, they're gone.

Molly: I had a feeling they weren't gonna react well.

Buddy: Budderball.

Molly: The pups, I hear them.

Now we just let the puppies do the work. That's it. Call your mommy and daddy.

Grim: Mom, It's Grim. Hi.

Hi, Grim...

Den: Not you. The puppies!

Mom! Dad!

Over here! Get me outta here!

Help us! Come on! Over here!

Molly: I smell a trap.

Buddy: I'm going in. Watch my back.

Molly: Run, Buddies! Run and hide!

Got him.


And that's why I'm your uncle's successor!

Aah! Toss the net! Not on me, doofus!

Grim: Shouldn't we catch the puppies?

Den: What puppies?

Grim: The puppies that were just here.

Den: Our mission was simple and as follows: Capture Air Bud.

Your uncle wanted one mutt.

We got him two.

Those puppies did their job, we did ours.

Yes, we did.

We gotta get back to Innsfield.

Dudes, they've got Mom and Dad!

Let's get 'em!

- Mom! Dad! Wait, Mom!

- Stop!


Mom! Dad!

Come back here!

- Wait!

- Stop!

Grim: Ch-ching, ch-ching. We've got Air Bud.

We got Mom and Dad dognapped.

I'll never eat another doughnut as long as I live.

We gotta save Mom and Dad.

How do we know where they're going?

Deputy Sniffer. He can help. He's the world's greatest tracker.


Noah: Hello.

Molly didn't come home. I think she must've fallen asleep there last night.

Noah: OK. I'll go look around.







Mom! Dad!

Wake up! Sniffer!

Come on! Wake up!

Rise and shine! Wake up!

You leave me no choice.

Sniffer: W... wide awake. J... just resting my head.

Sniffer, it's an emergency.

Sniffer: Five more... minutes.

Sheriff's coffee'll do the trick.

Sniffer: Hey, Buddies. Funny, that. I was just dreaming about you pups.

Mom, Dad, gone!

Black truck with horns.

Bad guys stole...

Whoa! Whoa! One at a time. You're making my head spin.

You first, Budderrose.

They were dognapped by two dognapping dognappers.

Where was the crime scene, B-Bud?

Uh, it went down at the park.

Any other leads, Mudderbudder?

We heard them say something about Innsfield. Where is that, deputy dude?


That's wine country. I know it well.

The sheriff here loves his merlot.

I personally prefer toilet water.

We need you to track them.

My sniffer isn't working like it used to.

I couldn't even track a train.

You'd be better off without me.

I guess the coffee wore off.

Sniffer? More like Snorer.

Follow me.

I've got an idea.

Sir, due to their similar appearances, we've captured both Air Bud and his girlfriend.

Do you realize that if I keep these lovebirds together, eventually I'll have Air Bud puppies that will be worth more than my entire collection combined.


I hope my nitwit nephew was learning a thing or two from you.

Well, I learned that there already are Air Bud pups, and I even learned how to let them get away.

Is that the kind of thing you mean?

Go on.

We had his five puppies but...

Denning let them get away.

Why, you little punk.

Is this true, Denning?

W... well, I figured once we get our main objective secured,

Air Bud, we'd go back and get the puppies.

Do you realize why they are called golden retrievers, hmm?

Because that's what they're worth, gold.

That's what I said.

Now I suggest you take these two to the wine cellar and then go and get me my golden puppies.

Livingston and his brat are due any day now.

I can't believe he let them get away.

They're gold, you know.

Neither can I.

That's why, Grim, you are now in charge of this mission.

- Whoa, whoa. What'd he say?


Denning cannot be trusted.


If you don't find me those puppies, you will find yourselves being the tiger's lunch.

The Fernfield town map.

Sniffer said wine country, right?

Right. So we gotta go past the drive-in and old McRoberts' farm.

True north is the path we must follow.

Bro, I'm glad you were paying attention when Noah did his geography homework.

Shut up.

Denning, you're crowding me. Sheesh.

There. You may let the dogs out of the cage.


We've gotta get out.

Molly: Buddy, there's no way out.

Unless... we dig our way out.


Mudbud! Come on!







I've been thinking about it.

Buddy and Molly helped us choose the right families, right?


So why would they run away with the Buddies?

Something's up, Henry. Something's up.

Mom and Dad, here we come.

These dognappers picked the wrong puppies to mess with.

The sooner we rescue Mom and Dad, the sooner we get lunch.

What's that?

Stupid cat.

Den: What took you so long?

Grim: They're not here, and I looked everywhere.

Grim: What to do next.

Dudes, we've been walking all day.

I don't see any wine country.

This pup's run out of pep.

And it ain't getting any lighter out,


Do you guys smell that?

I must be smellucinating.

Whoa! I smell it, too!

I'm no Sniffer, but I'm pretty sure it's coming from over there.

Where there's popcorn, there's Budderball.

Grim: My uncle always says know your animal, do your research. 99 puppies. Ha! How's that for research?

Den: The more time we waste sitting here, the more hungry that tiger's gonna get!

Dudes, this is totally my favorite movie.

Get off me!

Oh, sweet mama. I can almost taste it.

It's through here.

Follow me. My nose knows the way.

Hey! What is that?!

What's going on?

We can't see!

Yo, what's with the pushing?

Dude, I can't see!

Well, that's it, dog. It's go time.

Grim: I don't remember this part. Giant puppies attack Cruela De Vil. Oh, my goodness. Go, giant puppies!

Den: Those puppies aren't in the movie. Those are our puppies!

Come on! If we don't hurry, Budderball's gonna eat all the popcorn.


Whoa! It's like a hurricandy in here.

I've lived and gone to heaven.

Den: We're looking for five puppies.

They're not real, pal. They're in the movie. No. Wait!!

Grim: Denning, I see a bright light. Are we dead?

One superjumbo, family-size tub of popcorn, please.


No way!

Oh! Puppy! Puppy!

Den: Puppies! Over here!

Thanks for nothing.

Grim: Denning, Denning, where are you? Denning.

Den: Come on.

All right. Gee.

Ohh! That is so unsanitary!

I think he's cute.

Ohh! Dog germs.

We've got company! 9-1-1!

Anybody got a doggie bag?

Hey. Check it out. Puppies.

Just like in the movie.

Aw, they're so cute. Hello, man.

Denning, just remember my uncle put me in charge.

I love puppies almost as much as my wheels.

Watch out, Grim!

Grim: Denning, where are you? Denning, where are you? Denning. Denning. Denning, I don't remember authorizing you to grow a beard.

Den: I'm not taking orders from you. When I get my hands on them, I'm gonna wring their double-crossing necks.

Let me at those punks. Hold me back!

Den: Grim.

Grim: Hi, fella. You haven't seen some puppies, have you?

Den: Let's go, Grim. Now.

Were you trying to hurt these puppies?

Den: No way.

Get them!

Let's get out of here!

No! No! Let me down! No!

I sure hope we don't run into those guys in our next life.

Wait for me!

Noah: Yours, too?

Yeah. They think we're overreacting.

Tomorrow we go to Sheriff Bob.


'Rent incoming. Gotta go. Over and out.

Over and out.

Did I just hear something about Sheriff Bob?

You think I'm wrong.

Well, no. No, honey, but I just don't want you to worry.

We might as well cover all of our bases, and Sheriff Bob is one of them.

I think it's a good plan.

You do?

Good night, sweetie.

And remember, no matter how far from home you may stray, the love we all share is here to stay.

Guys, we should rest for a bit and balance our energy.

Sweet dreams, everybody.

Sweet dreams about cookies and candy and ice cream and cookies.

Did I mention cookies?

Oh, I hope the pups are OK.



Buddha, come on. A girl needs her beauty sleep. Who are you talking to, anyways?

I'm meditating, absorbing positive energy.


I'd positively like to observe a Pop-Tart.


Buddha, come on. Let's go, bro.

It's so high.

- I think I can do undo it.

- No. No!

Noah: Doesn't seem to be getting anything.

He'll pick up on something. They don't call him the Million Dollar Muzzle for nothing. Come on. These young'uns need our help.

I knew old Sniffer would come through. He can sniff out criminals before they even commit a crime.


Mr. Selkirk, we haven't captured the pups yet. We found ourselves in a bit of a sticky situation.

But I remind you that Grim is in command.

I've captured panthers with my own hands.

Have you ever seen the claws on a panther?

Enough to take out an eye.

And you can't bring in five puppies.

There's someone here who wants to speak to you.

She's very hungry.

I get the message, loud and clear, sir.

Get those puppies now.

Den: Yes, I will resume command. You're the best. You... you are. You are, sir. Over and out, sir.

Grim: Well, Denning, what'd he say?

Den: Party's over, Grim. I'm back in charge. Orders from the big boss.

Grim: Oh, look how cute.

Den: What are you talking about?

Grim: Nothing. Just a bunch of puppies playing in the field over there.

Den: Puppies?! Where?!

Grim: Back there. The cutest little puppies.

Den: Those are our puppies, and they aren't as cute as you are dumb!

Grim: They're pretty darn cute.

Yee hoo! Yeah!



Yee-hah! And that's why I'm Selkirk's go-to guy. Whoo!

- Didn't we ditch these guys?

- Let's get them!

That's what I'm talking about!


Grim: Don't look at me. The thing's a gas guzzler. If we had a hybrid, this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

Den: Get the net.

Come on, guys! Come on. Hurry up!

Come on. They're gaining on us!

- Wait up, Denning!

- Faster! Faster!

- Hurry up, Grim!

- Come on.

- Untangle the net!

- I'm trying!

- Come on, you guys!

- That way. No. That w...

Come on. Let's get 'em!

That's my boy. He's found something. You varmints, come out of there with your hands up, or I'm sending the dog in after you, and you ain't gonna like that.

Aw. Ew.

Leave me alone.

They're right on our tails.


I mean good, you little puppies.

Ch-Ching, ch-ching.

They're like the pupparazzi.

Get them.

Quick! Through here!

Hurry! They're getting away.

Help! I'm stuck! He's got me by the tail!

Den: Quit your wiggling.

I never thought I'd say this, but let it rip.

Who goes there? Friend or foe?

You speak Doggy?

Billy: I'm fluent in Horse, Cow, Chicken, Pig and Rooster.

- I even know a little Mouse.

- Whoa.

Now, I said, "Who goes there?

Friend or foe?"

We don't even know what "foe" means.

We're the Buddies, and we're being chased by crazies.

No one trespasses on Billy's property. I'll take care of them. You may paaass. Go to Belinda in the pigpen. She'll help you.

I'll show these bozos some country hospitality.

- Just jump. I'll catch you.

- You promise?

Cross my heart.


Whoa! Ow!

- What the heck was that?

- Denning!

Grim: You tricked me.

Den: Something hit me.

Grim: Something else is gonna hit you.

Den: It's on.


Whoa. Stinkaroo.

Billy sent us. We're friends, not foe.

Nyay riendfay ofay Illybay's isay a riendfay ofay inemay.

What is she talking about?

Oh. It's Pig Latin. I'll translate.

Den: There they are!

They've spotted us!

Uickqay, isguiseday ourselvesyay asay igletspay.

She said, "Quickly, disguise yourself as piglets."

Oink oink. Woof.

Oink oink.

Woof... I mean, oink oink.

Oink oink.

This is my kind of camouflage.

This was a brand-new fur coat.

They're gone.

Oink oink. Woof...

Woof... oink. Woof.

Den: I never knew piglets had long, furry tails.

Get one!

I gotcha!

Buddies, into the barn, quick.

Let's blow this pig stand.

- Thanks, Belinda!

- Anksthay, Elindabay.

Oycottbay aconbay.

Den: This had better be mud!

Stupid doggies went in the barn.

Let's get 'em.

Follow me, Buddies.


Don't move a muscle.

You go that way, and...

I'll go that way.





Den: There they are, in the hayloft.

Dudes, bolt!

Quick! Into the hay, dudes!


Quick! Quick!

Hi-Hide! Into the hay!


Here, puppy, puppy, puppy.

Puppy, puppy.


Billy: Puppies, this way! Run for cover!

Den: Come on. They're getting away.

Den: Get them!

Grim: There they are.

Den: You little peanut-brained puppies think you're so smart. How you gonna get out of here, little geniuses?

Den: Quick! Go around!

Grim: Go! It's stuck.

Den: You gotta be kidding me.

Grim: No.

Both: What are you laughing at?

Billy: That was a blaaast. That's the most fun I've had in years. Now, you'd better go find your parents.

- Thaaanks, Billy.

- I think that was Dalai the Ilama.

Dude, he's a goat.

Why, you little puppies, when I get my hands on you... I'm ordering you little rat-brains to roll over, come here now!




Wowza. What happened to you guys?

We thought we found them, but Sniffer led us straight to a skunk instead.

Any news, Dad?

I've been in contact with all the vet clinics. No one's found them yet, so they're out there somewhere.

Hey, don't be so blue, old buddy. What you did was a dadgum, bona fide, honest mistake, that's all.

Sniffer: It couldn't be. My sniffer's probably just playing tricks on me again.

Can't go over it. Can't go around it.

Mudbud, I've got bad news.

You're about to take a bath.

Dude, I'm already clean. I just took a mud bath.

On the positive side, there's no soap.


OK, fine. Fine.

D-Do we really, really have to go in there?

Don't tell me you're a scaredy-cat.

Them is fighting words.

I ain't no fur ball spitter.

We don't have a choice.

We have to go through the forest to get to Mom and Dad.

I'm sensing this way is true north.

Then your compass is stone-cold busted, dog, 'cause we just came from that way!

Hey, guys, should we stop for lunch?

Stop thinking about your stomach for once?

Dude, why don't you stop thinking about yourself for once?

I don't know why I bother with you guys.

Throw me a bone, will you?

Listen up. Quiet for a second.

Stop fighting! The only way we're gonna find Mom and Dad is if we work together like a team.

Guys, I feel like someone is watching me.

Dudes, dudes.

He's right.


- Run! Run!

- Oh, no.

Hurry up!

I am puppy! Hear me roar. Roar!

Don't you dare hurt my brothers.

You are very brave, little one.

I definitely take back what I said about girls.

Girl power all the way.

It's not safe for you pups in the forest alone. Follow me. I won't harm you.


Let's see. Which one is it?

Ah, no, no.


Ah, it's this one. Yeah.

Ah, finally.


Back. Back! Back!

Tomorrow your new owner will be here to take you away.

Please try to contain your filth to yourselves.

The cabinet is 200 years old, and that's not dog years.


Whew. That was close.

Mr. Wolf, sir, you got any cheese snacks by any chance?

I'm afraid not, little one.

How about some advice for five lost pups?

Where are your people?

We were being sent to our new homes and... ...we ran away.

We wanted to stay together.

We were scared of the unknown.

You know, as legend tells, one day, a small pup wandered away from its den and wound up lost far from home.

He was rescued by a small boy, and when it was time to return, the pup did not wanna go home.

He and the boy had formed a true bond.

And from that day on, dogs chose to live amongst people to bring the love of animals to human families.

We've really messed up.

We ran away from our troubles instead of facing them.

And then our 'rents got dognapped.

We're trying to rescue them.

I have heard your mother and father howling.

No way!

Y... You know where they are?

- Really?

- I... I heard them, too.

- I was trying to tell everyone.

- Dude.

What? I did. Honest.

Rest now, and in the morning,

I shall take you to them.

Sweet dreams, everybody.

Nighty-night, Mr. Wolf.

Sniffer: I love the smell of bacon in the morning. The smell of bacon? I can smell bacon!

What's gotten into you, old boy, huh?

Your parents are waiting for you.

Mom, Dad, here we come.

Sniffer: I'm back! Sniffer is back! I can smell! Hold your fire! I just came to say thanks. It's been years since I smelled bacon frying. Your spray must've cleared my sinuses.

- Good for you.

Sniffer: Whoo-hoo!


What's gotten into Sniffer?

Noah: I've never seen him so excited. He wants us to follow.

Don't forget this is the dog that led us straight to the skunk.

Sniffer, you sure this is right?

Beyond this fence lies the vineyards where your parents are being held.

Now it's up to you to rescue them.

Why don't you stay with us forever so you're not all alone?

We wolves are needed in the forest as much as you are needed by people.

Do you ever get scared?

Sometimes, but that's why we howl, to let one another know that even though we may feel alone, we never really are.

- Thanks, Mr. Wolf dude.

- Namaste.

Bye! Thank you!

Come on!


Wine country.

Noah: Sniffer, are you sure they came this way?

Billy: Who goes there? Friend or... Oh. Excuse me, Deputy Sniffer.

Sniffer: We're investigating missing puppies. I can smell they've come this way.

Billy: Well, your nose isn't lying. Those pups passed through here yesterday with trespassing dognappers hot on their tails.

Den: Kids, help. We're being held hostage by this crazy goat.

Noah: Have you seen five golden puppies?

Den: Why, no, I can't say that I have.

Grim: Have you? 'Cause we could join forces and catch 'em together. Ow!

Den: Quiet, you imbecile.

Noah: We better let Sheriff Bob know about these guys.

Looks like they're not going anywhere.

No, no, no, no, no.

Please, please open...

Please, please, please, please!

Buddy: We've got to find the pups before they do.

Isn't it clear that I did not say 2.2. I said 1 .7!

If he has trouble remembering, he can take it up with my lawyer!

There's gotta be a way in somewhere.

Quick! Around back!

Hey, check this thing...

We're short a Budderball again.

I think we found the way in.

Dudes! Whoo-hoo! I like!

Whee! Yahoo!



You might want to consider doubling your price and taking both Air Bud and his girlfriend.

Just think of the potential.

Ooh. Anxious.


So where is he?

I knew those mutts were up to something.


Oh, my gosh, Selkirk.

You've always had a flair for theatrics.

You tricked us.

Air Bud puppies. What a surprise.



I love them.

This must be it.

I'm plumb tuckered out.

I'm just gonna stand guard here, maybe catch a few Z's.

Buddy: Sniffer? What are you doing way out here?

Sniffer: Muddy, Bolly, you've been saved! Wow. Them boys work fast. But where are the puppies?

Buddy: The puppies?

Sniffer: I haven't seen them since they headed off to save you. I'm pretty sure they've gone through this fence.

Buddy: We've just come from there. It's not safe.

Molly: We gotta hurry.

Sniffer: Hey, wait for me. Sniffer is hot on the trail.

Happy, Bartleby?

Oh, yeah.

All right, step aside.



I knew you wouldn't fail me, Denning.

I... I didn't fail you?

You don't have to tell me.

I'm very happy with you two, almost as happy as that billionaire brat is with those pooping machine puppies.

Well, I wish it was as easy as it looks.

It didn't hurt that you told me you'd feed me to the tiger.

I knew you were just kidding.

Oh, I was completely series.

If you didn't get the puppies, the tiger would have got you.

Oh. Um...'re not fired.


Sometimes you're so good you even surprise yourself.

Now we just gotta get out of here.

Where is that stupid goat?


I said 1 .5, not 2.

You talk to him.

Tell me what he says.

Just tell him I'll back to New York by Friday.


Oh, OK, OK.

Tell him that's fine.

Let's skedaddle. Hurry, Noah.

Aah! The puppies are getting away!

What the...?

I'll call you back.

These dogs are really starting to try my patience.

Which way'd they go?


I smell grape juice.

Oh, sweet mama.

Rosebud: Budderball, this is no time for games.

Budderball, stop!

One sip. Just one itty-bitty sip.


Mudbud: Quick, dudes. He can't doggy paddle. He's too heavy.

He's floating. It's a miracle.

Come on, Budderball!

You can do it.

Oh, Budderball.



Come on. OK. I got him. I got him.

I got him.

All right, let's go.

Rosebud: Pee-yoo! You stink.

Budderball: [drunk] That's the weirdestest grape juice ever.

Noah: We'll go this way.

Budderball: Follow me, guys.

Noah: Wait. Budderball's not here.

We gotta find him.


Noah: Buddy?

- Molly?

Mom! Dad!

Mom, Dad, you're OK!

We found you, Buddy.

I missed you so much.


Sbiffer: Freeze!


Noah: So you know the plan. It'll only work if we work as a team. Break!

B-Dawg: Sure. Send B-Dawg out as the decoy. I don't remember drawing the shortest straw.

Any luck?

- They're hiding around here somewhere.

After him!

I'll get it, Mr. Livingstone.

Hurry, before he gets away!

There he goes!

Noah: Ready, Buddy?

There he goes! Quick!

We've got him cornered.

Noah: Push!



- Aah!

- Oh, no. Oh, no.


Get out of my way!

Noah: Puppies all right?

- OK, you all right?

Noah: Let's get out of here.

Oh, no. This isn't good.


Bob: Good job, Sniffer. And, you kids, thanks for that call.


Bob: Led me right to these nincompoops.

We couldn't have done it without Sniffer either.

Bob: I been telling everybody for years he's the best.

Get up. Come on.

Yeah, yeah.

Bob: When are you young'uns gonna learn that crime never pays?

Dad! Mom!

But I just want someone I can play with.

Rosebud: You saved us.

Buddy: We saved each other.

Molly: By working as a team.

Buddah: We're really sorry we ran away. We've learned our lesson.

B-Dawg: We understand now. We're ready for our new peeps.

Budderball: I know he's a brat, but that means he needs me even more, right?


Now we know they're ready.

Without a doubt.

Honey? There's someone here to see you. Here you go.

I've always wanted a sister.

Rosebud: You know what? So have I.

Hey, get over here.

Lunch is served.

Come on.

Be one with the ball.

B-Dawg: It's not the size of the puppy in the game. It's the size of the game in the puppy.

Noah: We'll see them at the park all the time, right, boy?
