MALE NARRATOR: In the dark depths of winter, a mother listens to the first sounds of her brand new baby cubs.
Let's call this mama bear "Sky."
And her cubs are Scout and Amber.
Hi, little guys.
They say the first year of parenting is the hardest.
Sky will soon learn that, for bears,
it's nearly impossible.
Almost half of all bear cubs don't survive their first year.
But for now, deep inside the den, they're safe.
It's warm and comfy.
And after an entire winter together,
it probably smells pretty bad.
Sky worked hard last summer, eating over pounds of fish a day, to store up enough fat to last through these early months.
But now she's hungry, and if she doesn't eat soon, the milk her cubs need will dry up.
There's a long, dangerous journey ahead of them.
Sky needs to get her cubs down to the coast, and she hopes that the salmon will be plentiful this summer.
But there's no guarantee.
Little Scout and Amber's survival depends on it.
Okay, cuddle time is over.
These bears need to get on the move.
This is the story of their incredible first year.
What an amazing place to take your first steps.
These little cubs will have to be brave from the second their paws touch the snow.
This is the Alaska Peninsula.
With over five million acres of protected national park land,
it's home to thousands of brown bears.
Five months ago,
Sky climbed these mountains to dig her den.
But now, they're her biggest obstacle.
They've got to get all the way across these frozen mountains before they'll find even the first hint of food.
Sky is clearly delighted to be free of the smelly den.
"Wait up, Mom!"
Maybe a little too delighted.
Nothing like a mother's gentle touch.
Like a lot of new moms,
Sky doesn't have patience for dawdling.
"Come here, you. Come here."
"Yikes, Mom! Not the teeth!"
This doesn't hurt little Scout, but still...
Sky has a bit to learn when it comes to parenting.
Life was certainly easier when she was just a single bear.
Now, she can only go as fast as her cubs.
"Come on, you guys."
She has good reason to dish out a little tough love.
They have got an awful lot of ground to cover.
And with every passing day, the journey will only get harder.
A walk in the warm sun on a bright, spring day may seem like fun, but that warmth starts the melt.
The snow that sheltered them through the winter becomes a deadly enemy.
These massive monsters reach speeds of up to miles an hour.
A wall of snow and ice barreling over everything in its path.
Sky and the cubs were lucky this time, but it's a good reminder that they need to stay moving.
Amber's found a smart way to keep up with her mom, just hitch a ride.
Just gotta get that toe in there.
There we go.
But Scout, being the more adventurous one, decides to explore at his own pace.
They've been traveling for over a week now, and the climb is only getting steeper.
As they climb their final mountain, Scout and Amber try their best, but it sure isn't easy.
They're finding themselves a little on top of each other.
They've made it to the summit.
The coast is now within sight.
It's downhill all the way from here.
The winter snow has melted down by the Alaskan coast, and all that green offers the promise of something to eat.
A quiet meadow.
Time for a little rest.
Amber's certainly taking it easy.
This is one cub who really likes staying close to mom.
But Scout acts like he's too old to be carried around.
Bear rides are for babies.
Scout can't believe what he is seeing.
"Other bears?
"There are other bears in the world?
"Did everybody know that?"
Sky did.
In fact, her mother brought her to this meadow when she was little.
And she's been coming here every summer since.
All these bears have come down from the mountains.
They're starving.
What they really need is the protein from loads of salmon.
But this will do in a pinch.
It's like settling for a dirty salad.
Sky and Amber are exhausted after their long journey.
But Scout, he is a little too excited to sleep.
This place is crawling with bears!
Scout is looking for a role model.
Which bear will he grow up to be?
He could be an angry bear.
Fighting all the time.
Mmm, seems like a lot of work.
No, no, these bears are way too cuddly.
He definitely wants to be tougher than this.
Scout's sure he'll find at least one bear he can look up to.
"Maybe that... Nah.
"Oh, come on.
"Someone do something!
"Huh? Wow.
"He looks fun at least.
"Just one bear.
"One bear who is the toughest, coolest bear.
"Anybody? Hello?
"You, sir...
"Want to chase me?
"No. You want to lick a mosquito.
"I thought that being a bear would be,
"I don't know, more fierce.
"Ah, forget it.
"This is downright embarrassing."
If a tough bear is what Scout wants, he's about to meet just that.
This bear is huge.
At over , pounds, he is three times the size of Sky, and this meadow is his turf.
He is confident, dominant, and everyone knows to stay out of his way.
Sky has to keep her cubs away from big males like Magnus.
She'll have to find food somewhere calmer.
As Magnus watches over his domain, it's clear he's got one thing in particular on his mind.
Or one she-bear, to be specific.
Magnus might have a half-ton of weight to throw around, but he's got no game.
Magnus, you're so obvious.
Put a little mystery into it!
Pick her some flowers from the meadow or something.
See that walking away?
That's sort, uh...
That's bear for "No,"
I think.
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for him.
Sky has found a quiet corner of the meadow to let her cubs nurse.
Scout and Amber are going through a growth spurt, and they need all the milk they can get.
He's a gray wolf, and the thief of the meadow.
These wolves know a slow bear cub, makes for a quick, easy meal.
This is why it's so much harder for Sky than the other bears.
She has to make sure her cubs are always by her side.
Amber is about to learn what happens, when you ride a bear without wearing your seatbelt.
Sky's found herself driven to a remote, unfamiliar area.
The bad part of town.
The dangers reveal themselves almost immediatel
This is Chinook.
The outcast.
Banished from the meadow by Magnus,
Chinook has grown leaner, meaner, and more desperate for food.
Any food.
Even bear cubs.
There's nowhere to hide.
Sky must stand her ground.
Chinook's circling is dangerous.
If Sky shows any weakness, he will attack.
It worked.
Sky successfully held her ground.
And Chinook continues his hunt elsewhere.
Scout and Amber must be pretty impressed with their mom.
At certain times of the year a huge change comes over the coast.
A vast area of mudflats are exposed.
This muddy desert has hidden treasures buried beneath.
Sky and the cubs have gone way out to the edge of the tide to search for anything that could count as calories.
Bears have an excellent sense of smell.
Their noses are seven times more sensitive than a bloodhound's.
Scout doesn't seem to get what Mom's looking for.
Sky pulls up a meaty clam.
It will help
in the meantime, but one or two clams, even a dozen, aren't nearly enough.
Sky needs her cubs to stay close.
She's following the low tide a long way out.
But Scout's not worried.
He'd rather enjoy his first day at the beach.
Amber chooses to stay close to Mom.
It looks a little less,
well, ridiculous.
But Scout doesn't care.
He likes this sand stuff.
"Watch this somersault!
"Well, it was
a half somersault.
"Amber, look at me!
I'm a mud monster!"
"Real mature, Scout.
Real mature."
"No, come on! It's fun!
"Why is this bird always following us around
"no matter where we go?
"I'm gonna go ask him.
"Hey, bird!
"Hey, where did
you get those fish?"
Sky and Amber enjoy
some mother-daughter bonding time.
Scout's learning that
sand tastes bad.
Both cubs,
in their own way,
are loving their first day
at the beach.
But Sky can't afford
too much time playing.
She's got to keep searching for
clams while the tide is out.
Wherever Sky goes,
the raven follows.
The raven can spot
an opportunity from way up high,
while the bears
got a nose for finding hidden food.
An unusual partnership,
but it works.
"Hey, Mom, how do you open
one of these things, anyway?
"Never mind, I got it.
I'm fine.
"My claw has...
Mom, the...
"Well, what do you do
if your claw gets stuck in the clam?
"Let go.
"Mom, it's stuck
in my claw!
"What are you
looking at, bird?
"This is how I carry it.
"Just walk it over here. Just taking my
clam for a walk, that's all.
"Let go of my claw, clam!
"Let go!
"I didn't want
that clam anyway."
Sky and the cubs are far from the
shore when the tide starts to turn.
Sky is trying to get
as much food as she can
before the water
covers up the mud.
Scout doesn't know
what's about to happen to the tide.
He's just tired
from a long day.
And now, they are
surrounded by water.
Freezing cold water.
When Sky finally
heads back to the shore,
she assumes both her cubs
are close behind.
It's a mistake.
Scout is too tired
to keep going.
Amber notices
that Scout isn't just dawdling this time.
He's asleep.
When Scout wakes up,
he sees he's stranded
far from the shore.
He desperately calls
for his mother.
And she calls back.
Urging him to hurry.
The current
is much stronger now,
and Scout
is really struggling to get back on land.
Scout stayed tough
and made it safely to the shore.
And the cubs, well,
they look pretty happy
to see each other.
As the weeks progress,
the weather warms,
and the mudflats
are no longer so exposed.
Time to head back
to the meadow,
where it's bursting
with color.
Scout and Amber are bonding during
these early days of summer,
while their mother watches
from a safe distance.
With no fish nearby,
it's back to eating grass.
Scout is less
than impressed.
By this time of year,
everything tastes a little stale and dry.
With food
in such short supply,
even the female bears
are getting a little cranky.
These fierce head-to-heads
may be short,
but they are becoming
more frequent.
It's getting tense.
The cubs know
something feels wrong.
There's nowhere to hide.
Everyone is watching them.
Seeing her cubs
getting nervous,
Sky goes to their side
to protect them.
And this time,
he's really hungry.
He's spotted the cubs.
Sky must quickly decide
what to do.
She runs,
hoping to find safety.
It's a choice,
she will soon regret.
Round two
and ready to fight.
He takes off after them.
Chinook is much stronger
than Sky,
but she'll fight
with everything she's got
to give her cubs
a chance to escape.
The cubs make
a run for it.
Sky tries to lead him away,
but instead of following her,
Chinook heads straight
for the cubs.
He knows they can't
have gotten far.
Chinook's powerful
sense of smell
tells him the cubs
are hiding in the logs.
But which ones?
Sky is desperately
searching for her cubs.
But no sign of Scout.
Amber doesn't want to leave the
meadow without her brother.
But Sky knows
they need to keep moving.
Chinook could come back
at any moment.
She still has Amber
to protect,
no matter how much
she wants to look for Scout.
It's not an easy decision.
There he is!
Back together again.
Sky knows another spot
up the coast
her mother took her
to long ago.
As she leads
her cubs there,
she must be hoping
her luck will start changing.
Midsummer brings
longer days and a new place to feed.
While Sky and the cubs
are moving to a safer place to eat
the rest of the bears leave the
meadow, and head for the shore.
Chinook is already here.
And so is Magnus.
For now, they wait,
and wait.
It's salmon!
The first opportunity
to fish.
It has been a full year
since the bears went fishing.
Looks like
they're a bit rusty.
"I got it! I got it!
"I... I had it.
"These are
really slippery fish."
Only Magnus
has dignity here.
Magnus doesn't
have to fish,
because he has a plan.
He's going to take
whatever Chinook catches.
"Yeah, that's it, Chinook.
"Get me that fish.
"Good bear."
Magnus moves in.
Magnus ultimately wins,
and Chinook can
only limp away
watching his hard-earned meal
go to someone else's stomach.
Chinook won't forget this.
Far from the danger
of the crowded salmon beach,
Sky and her cubs are still searching
for a quiet place to feed.
Scout gets distracted
by the tiniest things,
slowing them down.
They're being followed.
Tikani has sensed
an opportunity.
If he's quiet enough,
he can snatch
a dawdling cub.
Scout att*cks!
Tikani wants Scout
to follow him.
Get him alone.
But Sky stays close.
Only Sky can
chase Tikani off.
This mama bear's
keeping a good eye on her cubs.
Tikani's usual tricks
aren't working,
but that doesn't mean
he's giving up.
Just a few miles
up the coast
Sky follows the raven's call
to a very special place.
A hidden sanctuary
where the bears
can let down their guard.
Nice find, Mr. Raven.
Good eye.
Sky must be worried
about her milk supply.
If she doesn't eat tons of salmon
by the end of the summer,
she won't have enough fat stored
up to feed Scout and Amber
through next winter's
The cubs could starve
to death right beside her in the den.
Sky knows that
before too long
she will have to brave
the salmon beach.
But first,
she has a little treat to show her cubs.
When the tide goes out,
the ocean becomes
a secret restaurant,
serving up
mussel-covered rocks.
It's all-you-can-eat,
but you have to eat carefully.
The cubs seem
completely confused.
"Is it supposed
to taste like this?
"This is really crunchy."
But Sky knows
that a good claw-full is worthwhile.
She uses her powerful paws
to expose a hidden snack.
Rock eels.
These shy little fish
are not exactly salmon,
but they're better
than nothing.
Scout thinks
he has the muscles for the job.
While Amber lets her mother
do all the heavy lifting.
And the clever raven
collects his reward.
"Hey, that was mine.
"I was saving that!"
It is a lot of work,
but there's nothing else
on the menu right now.
Back at the beach,
the salmon have finally
arrived in large numbers.
This is what the bears
have been waiting for all summer.
The sea is bubbling
with fish,
and their massive numbers
make them much easier
to catch.
This is where Sky
and her cubs need to be, and soon.
They're already
missing out.
Chinook's not letting
anyone swipe a fish from him this time.
Without Magnus around,
he's got more than a mouthful.
Even Tikani is here,
testing out his fishing skills.
It's harder than it looks.
And there's no mistaking
the inexperienced ones out here.
Then it's just a matter
of eating your catch
before someone else does.
Hurry up, little guy!
You know when a wolf's
walking like that,
he's up to something.
Head down,
slow and steady.
The thief at work.
And he didn't even
get his tail wet.
After months of being
on the constant hunt for salmon,
it seems almost impossible
that the bears can be too full to eat.
But that's exactly
what's happening here.
So very full.
And interested in...
I don't know
what he's doing.
everyone's very itchy.
This guy looks like my dad
when he's watching TV.
"Hey, who changed
the channel?
"I was watching that."
Sky and her cubs
aren't the only ones on a journey here.
The salmon are merely waiting before
they can start heading upriver to spawn.
They've spent
the entire winter out in the salty ocean,
and it will take
a few weeks for their bodies
to adapt to fresh water.
They hang around the shallow river
mouth behind the beach,
hidden from where
the bears have been hunting.
Sky is the first
to get here,
and she's got
the place all to herself.
It's a huge amount of fish.
She has to take advantage
of the situation now,
but she knows it's risky
to leave the cubs.
She's only got so much time
before the other bears arrive.
She'll hunt much
more efficiently if she goes it alone.
She decides
it's worth the risk.
The cubs try
to defend themselves
while calling
for their mother's help.
But they can't do it alone.
Sky rushes back,
and Tikani retreats.
Sky has taken her cubs
to every spot she knows on the coast
with no luck.
There are other
secret places upstream,
hidden spots
like the Golden Pond
that are sometimes
filled with fish.
But they're hard to find,
and the climb is steep.
Sky doesn't
have much choice,
she needs to find
somewhere to feed before it's too late.
For the salmon,
it's been two weeks in the river mouth,
and they're now used
to the fresh water.
Their journey upstream
can finally begin.
It's an almost
unbelievable mission.
They're trying to return to the exact
same place where they were hatched.
They rely on chemical cues,
the taste of the water,
to tell them exactly where to go.
Some travel
up to miles upriver
against a relentless current.
And often, the waterfalls
are just too steep to let them pass.
Unable to swim
any higher,
these salmon
will just have to wait
in the plunge pools below.
This is where
the salmon are headed.
Calm, shallow waters that offer the
perfect place to lay their eggs.
Sky and the cubs
have just arrived, too.
They've spent
the past two weeks
climbing their way
to this lonely spot.
Sky is shockingly thin.
She's hoping she's made it for the
salmon's first arrival
to these quiet waters.
But her timing
is heartbreakingly off.
The fish are still stuck
in the pools below.
There's nothing to eat.
It looks like this time
the raven was wrong.
They may be soaking wet
and freezing,
but the rain
actually gives Sky
and the cubs
some much-needed hope.
The downpour causes
the water levels to rise
giving the salmon the exact push they
need to get back on track.
They've made it.
Sky knows the salmon
are coming.
She can almost taste them.
Sky searches.
Where are they?
It's her first fish
of the season.
And the cubs finally get
to taste salmon.
Scout takes his to go.
But Amber cuddles up
for a little mother-daughter sushi date.
"Mom, salmon is
my new favorite food.
"Let's never
have mussels again."
The only problem
with salmon is
they don't stay
in one place for long.
They're still
on their journey.
Sky knows where
they're headed,
and it's a place
far too dangerous
for a mother
with young cubs.
With no other options,
she has to find
the Golden Pond.
These are the Great Falls.
Only the biggest
and baddest come here.
Thousands of salmon
pass through these falls,
for just a few short weeks
at the end of summer.
If you want to catch
a fat fish,
you've got to be
in the right place
at the right time.
And even then,
well, ugh,
there's no guarantee.
Magnus is an old pro.
Just open your mouth.
The competition for the best
fishing spot is intense.
Chinook wants
Magnus' prime position.
But he's forgotten
how powerful Magnus is.
Time for a little reminder.
Chinook surrenders.
And Magnus remains
the undisputed ruler of the Great Falls.
Sky and the cubs
have found a peaceful place
deep in the woods,
upriver from
the Great Falls.
Summer is almost over,
and with
the promise of fall,
the cubs are already growing
their thick winter coats.
With hardly any salmon,
Sky hasn't had a chance
to build up
her fat reserves
for the winter.
With no food,
Sky's milk
will definitely dry up
and Scout and Amber
won't make it
through hibernation.
Poor Sky.
She tried hard all year to be a good
mom and keep her cubs safe.
She's lost
and totally exhausted,
but she still doesn't want
to give up the fight.
If only she knew,
she's almost there.
Just a short walk away.
This is the Golden Pond,
where Sky wanted
to take her cubs.
In certain years, salmon gather
here in unimaginable numbers.
The raven calls,
asking Sky to follow.
Sky can hardly believe
her eyes.
So many bears,
peacefully gathered.
Safe and welcoming.
And more salmon than
she and the cubs can shake a paw at.
With all this salmon,
the cubs will grow fat,
and Sky will be able
to keep them going through the winter.
Sky's long,
difficult journey is finally over.
Turns out that tough bear
Scout was looking for
was right by his side,
all along.
As winter approaches, all the bears begin their trek back up the mountains.
Scout and Amber will rely on their mother for the next two years, growing stronger with each passing season.
Before the dark days of winter arrive, every bear must return to the high peaks to dig their dens for hibernation.
And for the next six months, all the bears will remain asleep under a deep blanket of snow.
There goes Chinook.
He survived another year.
And the mighty Magnus gives one last look over his domain.
They say the first year of parenting is the hardest.
But Sky was patient and determined.
She never stopped caring.
And her reward?
Eight little paws following her back up the mountainfor a long, winter's nap.