OHIO, 1995
GIRL: Hey, Nat!
Yelena: We’re both upside down.
Natasha: And I bet you’re gonna fall down first.
Yelena: No, you will. You can’t hold it much longer.
Natasha: Told you you’d fall down first. I told you! I told you! Told you so!
Yelena: Mommy!
Melina: What happened?
Natasha: She fell on her knee.
Melina: Oh, you bump your knee?
Yelena: Mmm-hmm.
Melina: Oh… Kiss it better. There we go. (SHUSHING). Oh, come on, little one. Get up. You’re okay. Come on. You’re a brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger.
Melina: Right, you?
Natasha: Yeah.
Melina: Yeah?
Yelena: Look! Forest stars.
Melina: Yeah. You know what? Those are actually part of the Lampyridae family. And the glow, the glow that you see, that comes from a chemical reaction called… bioluminescence. Come on, time for dinner.
Yelena: Bio-goomin-feasants?
Melina: “Bio-goomin-feasants.” That’s right. Dinner! Come on, dinner, big girl!
Yelena: I want mac and cheese.
Melina: Oh, you want mac and cheese? Okay. Well, I want… caviar and champagne. Grab the napkins. You take this. Thank you. Oh, would you grab the ranch dressing for Dad?
Melina: Okay.
Yelena: Green beans are my favorite vegetable.
Melina: Dad’s home!
Natasha: Hey, Dad.
Alexei: Hey, baby.
Melina: Everything okay?
(Alexei SIGHS)
Melina: How was everybody’s day?
Yelena: Mommy taught me about lamp bugs.
Alexei: Lamp bugs. (CHUCKLES)
Yelena: And I fell and hurt my knee, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.
Alexei: Mmm-hmm.
YOUNG Yelena: And we also saw fireflies in the backyard. That was my favorite part of the whole day.
Melina: No.
Natasha: Yelena, we see fireflies every year.
Melina: How long do we have?
Alexei: I don’t know. Like, an hour, maybe.
Melina: I don’t wanna go.
Alexei: Don’t say that.
Alexei: Girls… you remember when I told you that one day we would have that big adventure? Today’s the day.
Yelena: Yay!
Alexei: All right, let’s go.
Melina: (WHISPERS) I’m sorry.
Melina: Come on, we gotta hurry.
Alexei: Thank you.
Yelena: I don’t have my shoes.
Alexei: Thank you, baby.
Alexei: That’s okay. You don’t need your shoes.
Yelena: But I’m still hungry.
Alexei: Yeah? Guess what? I got Fruit Roll-Ups in the car.
Melina: No, leave it, leave it, leave it. Go wait in the car.
Melina: You have it?
Alexei: Yeah.
Melina: It’s the only copy?
Alexei: It’s the only one not on fire.
Yelena: Where are we going?
Melina: Home.
Yelena: Mommy, you’re silly. We just left home.
Yelena: I want my song.
Yelena: (SINGING ALONG) ♪ Bye, bye, Miss American Pie ♪
Yelena: ♪ Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry ♪
Yelena: ♪ Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye ♪
Yelena: ♪ Singing, “This’ll be the day that I die” ♪
Yelena: ♪ “This’ll be the day that I die” ♪
Melina: Come on, Yelena. Hurry up, baby.
Melina: Let’s go. Come on, Nat. Hurry up. We gotta go. We gotta go. Come on, you gotta run.
Alexei: Come on. Honey, honey.
Alexei: Go with your mom. Go with your mom.
Natasha: Okay.
Melina: Nat, hurry up!
Natasha: I’m coming!
Melina: Okay. Seat belts.
Natasha: Okay.
Natasha: Why isn’t Dad in the plane?
Melina: He’s coming. He’s coming, baby. He’s coming.
Natasha: Mom?
(Melina GROANS)
Natasha: Mom!
Melina: I need you up here.
Natasha: Okay.
Natasha: Okay.
Melina: I need you to pull right.
Natasha: Mom, you’ve got blood on you.
Natasha: (GASPS) It’s okay, baby.
Melina: Hit the accelerator there.
Melina: Hold it steady, hold it steady. You’re gonna pull back at 55 knots. Let’s count together.
Natasha AND Melina: 45, 50…
Melina: Pull back. You can do it! Pull back. All your strength.
Alexei: Okay.
Yelena: Get up, Mommy. Pain only makes you stronger, remember?
Dreykov: The Red Guardian returns.
Alexei: The Red Guardian returns triumphant. Please, please, I beg you. No more undercover work. I wanna get back in the action. I want my suit back. I wanna get back in it. General Dreykov, it’s been over three years.
Natasha: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) Forgive me mom. I’m scared.
Melina: (IN ENGLISH) Never let them take your heart.
Dreykov: (IN ENGLISH) Did you get it?
Dreykov: And the North Institute?
Alexei: Ashes.
Natasha: It’s gonna be okay.
Dreykov: How is Melina?
Alexei: She’ll live. She’s strong.
Yelena: Mommy? Mom?
Yelena: Daddy!
Alexei: I’ll handle this.
Yelena: Daddy! Daddy!
Natasha: Yelena!
Yelena: (SOBBING) Daddy!
Natasha: Get away from her! Don’t touch her!
Natasha: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) I will shoot.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) Don’t touch her! I will kill you all!
Natasha: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) I will shoot. Don’t touch her.
Alexei: (IN ENGLISH) Honey.
Alexei: You’re gonna need to hand me that gun.
Natasha: I don’t wanna go back there. (SOBBING) I wanna stay in Ohio. You can’t take her. (VOICE BREAKING) You can’t. She’s only six.
Alexei: You were even younger. It’s okay. Come here.
Natasha: You’re gonna be all right. Do you know why it’s gonna be all right? ‘Cause my girls are the toughest girls in the world. You’re gonna take care of each other, okay? And everything, everything’s gonna be fine.
Dreykov: That one, she has fire in her. What was her name?
Alexei: Natasha.
Dreykov: Ah… Natasha.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) No!
Dreykov: (IN ENGLISH) Remove all the defects. That one and her.
Yelena: No!
Natasha: Yelena!
Natasha: Take it! Take it! No!
Yelena: (SOBBING) No!
Dreykov: The Red Room is your home now.
Natasha: Get off me! No!
TV REPORTER: Undercover spies in our communities. They took on false identities, even raised families…
AGENT 1: They’re topside, sir!
AGENT 2: Tier 1 has LOS!
Officer: We’ve got all exits covered.
Thaddeus Ross: All right. Stay alert. I’m sending in alpha squad. Natasha Romanoff is in violation of the Sokovia Accords. She assaulted the king of Wakanda. Make an example out of her.
Thaddeus Ross: Yeah?
Natasha: Don’t do this.
Thaddeus Ross: Do what?
Natasha: Come after me. I mean, you’re embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.
Thaddeus Ross: (ON PHONE) Thought maybe you’d be calling me to cut a deal.
Thaddeus Ross: (ON PHONE SPEAKER) ‘Cause from my vantage point, it’s the federal fugitive who’s desperate.
Natasha: From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What is this, your second triple bypass?
Thaddeus Ross: I wouldn’t worry about me. We got Barton, we got Wilson and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict. Rogers is on the run. You got no friends. Where you gonna go?
Natasha: I’ve lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross. You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble. I’m done.
Thaddeus Ross: Romanoff?
Officer: (IN ENGLISH) Got an empty nest, Secretary Ross. Her tracker, sir.
Yelena: Eyes on target. Waiting for the package.
Ingrid: I have sights on collateral one. Firing in place of three. Five, four…
Yelena: She made us. Target deployed smoke. She’s on foot with the package. Stay high. I’m going to ground.
Yelena: (GASPS) Oksana. Oh, no. What did I do?
OKSANA: Free the others.
Ingrid: Yelena, we need a status report.
Ingrid: (ON RADIO) Yelena, we need a status report.
Ingrid: Converge on team leader.
INGRID: (ON RADIO) General Dreykov, we have a deserter. Permission to activate Taskmaster Protocol?
Widow 1: Smile.
TV Reporter 2: (REPORTER SPEAKING NORWEGIAN) After the Sokovia Accords, the hunt is on for the remaining Avengers… Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are currently on the run.
Natasha: You’re in my bed.
Rick Mason: I’m… I’m not even under the covers.
Natasha: Did you get everything on my list?
Rick Mason: Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local driver’s licenses. Mix and match, you should be able to stretch it to 20 or so identities.
Natasha: Fanny Longbottom?
Rick Mason: What?
Natasha: What, are you 12?
Rick Mason: That is a legitimate name. (CHUCKLES) We’ve got a generator outside. It’s petrol-powered. And the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks, but, you know, I’ve got a guy coming for that. You have to haul your rubbish into town. It’s just a 20-minute drive. I’ve got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs.
Natasha: Nice.
Rick Mason: Are you okay?
Natasha: Why wouldn’t I be?
Rick Mason: I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers getting divorced…
Natasha: Ugh. It’s fine. I’m actually better on my own.
Rick Mason: Are you sure?
Natasha: Yeah.
Rick Mason: Because you can tell me, you know. That’s the way the whole friends thing works.
Natasha: I know. I have friends.
Rick Mason: People who have friends don’t call me.
Natasha: And I don’t pay you to worry.
Natasha: Oh, hey. What’s all this junk?
Rick Mason: Oh, just some mail and personals from the Budapest safe house.
Natasha: Budapest?
Rick Mason: Yeah. Budapest.
Natasha: No, it’s “Budapest.”
Rick Mason: Budapest. Budapest. It’s “Budapest.”
Rick Mason: Whatever. I knew you weren’t going back there, so I’ve got someone else in the flat now.
Natasha: Sorry you went through the trouble. I would’ve told you to chuck it.
Rick Mason: Well, if you don’t want it, throw it in the rubbish.
HUGO DRAX: You’re not a sportsman, Mr. Bond.
Natasha: (SPEAKING ALONG) Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python? Because I discovered he had a crush on me.
Movie: (ON SPEAKERS) Moonraker 1 on preset launch program…
Natasha: Oh, great.
Movie: …minus two minutes. Retract crew access…
Natasha: I’m pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here. And you should know I’m a better shot when I’m pissed off.
Natasha: You’re not here for me.
Natasha: Oh, shit.
Yelena: (MUFFLED) I know you’re out there.
Natasha: I know you know I’m out here.
Yelena: Then why are you skulking about like it’s a minefield?
Natasha: ‘Cause I don’t know if I can trust you.
Yelena: (CHUCKLES) Funny, I was going to say the same thing.
Natasha: So, we gonna talk like grown-ups?
Yelena: Is that what we are?
Yelena: Put it down before I make you.
Natasha: You put yours down.
Natasha: Watch your step.
Natasha: Stay down. Stay down.
Natasha: Stay down.
Natasha: Stop. (STRAINING)
Yelena: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) Truce
Natasha: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) You’ve grown up.
Yelena: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) No shit.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) You had to come to Budapest, didn’t you?
Yelena: I came here because I thought you wouldn’t. But since you’re here, what bullet does that?
Natasha: Not bullets. Arrows.
Yelena: Ah, right.
Natasha: If you didn’t think I’d come here, why’d you send me this?
Yelena: You brought it back here?
Natasha: I’m not here trying to be your friend, but you need to tell me what that is.
Yelena: It’s a synthetic gas. The counteragent to chemical subjugation. The gas immunizes the brain’s neuropathways from external manipulation.
Natasha: Maybe in English next time?
Yelena: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) It’s an antidote to mind control.
Natasha: Real mature.
Yelena: (IN ENGLISH) Why don’t you take it to one of your super-scientist friends? They can explain it to you. Tony Stark, maybe?
Natasha: Oh, yeah. We’re not really talking right now, so…
Yelena: Great. Perfect timing. Where’s an Avenger when you need one?
Natasha: I don’t wanna be here. I’m on the run. You could’ve gotten me killed.
Yelena: Well, what was I supposed to do? You’re the only superhero person that I know. That was the whole reason I sent it to you.
Yelena: I kept checking the news, expecting to see Captain America bringing down the Red Room.
Natasha: What? Taking down the Red Room? What are you talking about? It’s been gone for years. Dreykov’s dead. I killed him.
Yelena: You don’t actually believe that, do you? You really do believe that.
Natasha: Dreykov’s dead. It took almost destroying the entire city just to get to him.
Yelena: If you’re so sure, then tell me what happened. Tell me exactly.
Natasha: We rigged bombs.
Yelena: Who’s “we”?
Natasha: Clint Barton. Killing Dreykov was the final step in my defection to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Yelena: Simple as that?
Natasha: Yeah, sure, “simple.” That’s what I’d call imploding a five-story building and then shooting it out with the Hungarian Special Forces. Took 10 days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest.
Yelena: And you checked the body? Confirmed the kill?
Natasha: There was no body left to check.
Yelena: You’re forgetting Dreykov’s daughter.
Natasha: Where are we trying to get?
Yelena: Motorbike! East side of the building.
Widow 2: (SPEAKING MACEDONIAN) They’re going east, to the roof.
Ingrid: (SPEAKING MACEDONIAN) Copy, in pursuit.
Ingrid: (IN ENGLISH) I got you!
Natasha: No!
Natasha: Hey. Don’t move. You’re hurt. Let me help you.
Ingrid: I don’t wanna do this. (SOBBING)
Natasha: What are you doing?
Ingrid: He’s making me.
Yelena: Do you believe me now?
Natasha: How many others?
Yelena: Enough.
Natasha: Which one’s yours?
Yelena: Black. Brown seat. Where are my keys?
Natasha: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) …ah, bitch.
Yelena: (IN ENGLISH) Any day now.
Driver: (SPEAKING HUNGARIAN) Are you ok?
Yelena: (SPEAKING HUNGARIAN) Fantastic.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) You can’t just steal a guy’s car.
Yelena: So you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?
Yelena: Okay. Any time now, please.
Natasha: Shut up.
Yelena: Okay, you got a plan, or shall I just stay duck-and-cover?
Natasha: Yeah, my plan was to drive us away.
Yelena: That’s a shit plan.
Yelena: You’re welcome.
Yelena: Oh, shit. He’s back.
Natasha: Put your seat belt on.
Yelena: You’re such a mom.
Yelena: Natasha, no. I think I’m bleeding. I’m…
Natasha: No. Not now, trust me.
Natasha: You okay?
Yelena: Yeah. Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death. This is cozy.
Natasha: Barton and I spent two days hiding out up here.
Yelena: That must have been fun.
Natasha: Who the hell is that guy?
Yelena: Dreykov’s special project. He can mimic anyone he’s ever seen. It’s like fighting a mirror. Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions.
Natasha: This doesn’t make any sense.
Yelena: Well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details.
Natasha: What is that supposed to mean?
Yelena: You didn’t say one word about Dreykov’s daughter. You killed her.
Natasha: I had to. I needed her to lead me to Dreykov.
BARTON: (ON RADIO) We need confirmation Dreykov’s in the building.
Natasha: His car is pulling up now.
Natasha: Dreykov’s daughter was collateral damage. I needed her to be sure.
BARTON: (ON RADIO) Natasha, we clear?
Natasha: All clear.
Yelena: And here you are, not so sure.
Natasha: (SIGHS) I needed out.
Natasha: The Red Room’s still active. Where is it?
Yelena: I have no idea. He moves location constantly. And every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security.
Natasha: I’m just finding it hard to believe that he could stay off my radar.
Yelena: Well, it’s not smart to attack an Avenger if you want to stay hidden. I mean, the clue is in the name. Dreykov kills you, one of the big ones comes to avenge you.
Natasha: Wait, what are the big ones?
Yelena: Well, I doubt the god from space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight. Where did you think I was all this time?
Natasha: I thought that you got out and were living a normal life.
Yelena: And you just never made contact again?
Natasha: Honestly, I thought you didn’t wanna see me.
Yelena: (SCOFFS) Bullshit. You just didn’t want your baby sister to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids.
Natasha: You weren’t really my sister.
Yelena: And the Avengers aren’t really your family. Why do you always do that thing?
Natasha: Do what?
Yelena: The thing you do when you’re fighting. The… Like, the… This thing that you do when you whip your hair when you’re fighting with the arm and the hair. And you do, like, a fighting pose. (LAUGHS) It’s a… (LAUGHS) It’s a fighting pose. You’re a total poser.
Natasha: I’m not a poser.
Yelena: (LAUGHS) Oh, come on. I mean, they’re great poses, but it does look like you think everyone’s looking at you, like, all the time.
Natasha: All that time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer.
Yelena: Well, then you were fooling yourself because pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer. Except I’m not the one that’s on the cover of a magazine. I’m not the killer that little girls call their hero.
Yelena: That gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from Melina’s generation. I was on the mission to retrieve it, and she exposed me and I killed the widow that freed me.
Natasha: Did you have a choice?
Yelena: What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I’m talking about chemically altering brain functions. They’re two completely different things. You’re fully conscious, but you don’t know which part is you. I’m still not sure.
Natasha: Is that all there is left?
Yelena: Mmm-hmm. It’s the only thing that can stop Dreykov and his network of widows.
Yelena: He takes more every day. Children who don’t have anyone to protect them. Just like us when we were small. Maybe one in 20 survives the training, becomes a widow. The rest, he kills. To him, we are just things. Weapons with no face that he can just throw away. Because there is always more. And no one’s even looking for him, thanks to you and Alexei.
Natasha: Alexei?
Yelena: “Dad.”
Yelena: Did you ever look for your parents? Your real ones?
Natasha: Well, my mom abandoned me in the street like garbage. What about you?
Yelena: They destroyed my birth certificate, so I reinvented it. My parents still live in Ohio. My sister moved out west.
Natasha: Is that right?
Yelena: You’re a science teacher. You’re working part-time, though, especially after you had your son. Your husband, he renovates houses.
Natasha: That is not my story.
Yelena: (LAUGHS) What is your story?
Natasha: I never let myself be alone long enough to think about it.
Yelena: Did you ever wish for kids? I want a dog.
Natasha: Where you gonna go?
Yelena: I don’t know. I don’t really have anywhere to go back to, so I guess anywhere.
Yelena: Don’t.
Natasha: Don’t what?
Yelena: (CHUCKLES) You’re going to give me some big hero speech, I can feel it.
Natasha: Speeches aren’t really my thing.
Yelena: Huh.
Natasha: It was more like an invitation.
Yelena: To go to the Red Room and kill Dreykov?
Natasha: Yeah.
Yelena: Even though the Red Room is impossible to find and Dreykov is too slippery to kill?
Natasha: Yeah.
Yelena: That sounds like a shitload of work.
Natasha: Yup. (SIGHS) Could be fun, though.
Yelena: Yup.
Natasha: I saw where he put the keys.
Yelena: Top drawer, green cabinet.
Yelena: You know, this is the first piece of clothing I’ve ever bought for myself.
Natasha: That?
Yelena: Yeah. You don’t like it?
Natasha: Is that like a… Is it army surplus, or…
Yelena: Okay, it has a lot of pockets.
Yelena: But I use them all the time, and I made some of my own modifications. (SCOFFS)
Natasha: Oh, yeah? (LAUGHS)
Yelena: Whatever. Shut up. The point is, I’ve never… I’ve never had control over my own life before, and now I do. I want to do things.
Natasha: Hmm… I like your vest.
Yelena: I knew it. I knew you did. It’s so cool, right?
Natasha: It’s good. Yes. I like it.
Yelena: And you can put so much stuff in there. You wouldn’t even know. I really don’t know where the Red Room is, though. I’m sorry.
Natasha: I know. But I think I know somebody who does.
Yelena: Oh, yeah? Who?
Natasha: We’re gonna need a jet.
Natasha: I said we needed a jet.
Rick Mason: Yeah, you know what you didn’t give me? Time. Or money. I’m not made of jets.
Yelena: I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro.
Rick Mason: Oh, I beg your pardon, tsarina. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?
Yelena: Ha!
Natasha: Don’t let her wind you up.
Rick Mason: No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism.
Natasha: Well, you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours.
Rick Mason: (SCOFFS) You, too, huh? Tag team.
Yelena: Aw, he’s sensitive. See why you keep him around.
Natasha: Where’s the rest?
Rick Mason: Voilà.
Yelena: Ooh.
Natasha: Oh, I stashed that, like, five years ago.
Natasha: How is it?
Yelena: It’s dry. It’s really dry.
Rick Mason: You know, you’re getting dangerously close to running out your tab. Supplies I can tally, but you bring me attention from the authorities, all my prices go up.
Natasha: What’s that supposed to mean?
Rick Mason: Your mate, Secretary Ross, has been sniffing around my affairs to the point at which I’ve got contacts declining my calls. I’m a private contractor.
Natasha: You are sensitive.
Rick Mason: You’re a very annoying individual.
Natasha: I’ll make it up to you.
Rick Mason: Mmm-hmm. That’s what you say every time.
Alexei: So, I have the nuclear code.
Alexei: But there he is.
Alexei: Captain America!
INMATES: America.
Alexei: Finally, the Red Guardian’s time has come!
Alexei: I grab hold of his shield and face to face, it’s a test of strength.
Alexei: Oh… Oh, no.
Alexei: (GRUNTS) Oh…
Alexei: That guy think he going to beat me.
Alexei: Anyway, this shield, you know, that he carries with him like a precious baby blanket, you know?
Alexei: I use it to my advantage. I take it and I push him out the window.
Alexei: And I make my escape. Huh?
Prisoner 1: What year was this?
Alexei: I don’t know. Like, ’83, ’84.
Alexei: I know.
Prisoner 1: Captain America was still frozen in ice then.
Alexei: Are you calling me a liar, Ursa, huh?
Alexei: (IN ENGLISH) Oh, no.
Alexei: Uh-oh.
Alexei: (IN ENGLISH) Aw, look at the big bear.
Alexei: Gonna cry, little girl?
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) Today is your lucky day, Alexei.
Natasha: Move to the door on the south wall.
Natasha: Go left.
Natasha: Just don’t make a scene.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) You made a scene, didn’t you?
Alexei: (GRUNTS) What now?
Natasha: (ON RADIO) We’re gettin’ you outta here.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) Go to the upper level.
Natasha: Move your ass, super soldier.
Yelena: He’s never going to make it.
Natasha: Get me closer.
Natasha: You got a better idea?
Alexei: Natasha.
Yelena: Such a poser.
Natasha: (GRUNTS) Seriously?
Yelena: Whoo!
Yelena: Sorry!
Natasha: What are you doing? Are you kidding me?
Natasha: Back up!
Yelena: We’re both doing a really good job.
Yelena: No.
Yelena: Okay. Enough of this.
Yelena: Ha!
Yelena: Whoa…
Yelena: This would be a cool way to die.
Alexei: Tell me that’s a good sign for us!
Natasha: Move your ass!
Natasha: Get us outta here!
Alexei: Huh.
Alexei: Wait!
(Alexei GRUNTS)
Yelena: (SIGHS) Yes!
(Alexei COUGHS)
Yelena: I need some help up here!
Alexei: (SHOUTING IN RUSSIAN) Goodbye, douchebags!
Alexei: (IN ENGLISH) Oh, that was exciting.
Alexei: Oh, I’m so proud of you girls.
Alexei: (LOUDLY) Oh, you can’t hear me, huh?
Alexei: (LAUGHING) Okay.
Alexei: Ah… (CHUCKLING)
Alexei: Wow.
Alexei: (GROANS) Okay.
Alexei: Why the aggression, huh?
Alexei: Is it your time of the month?
Yelena: I don’t get my period, dipshit. I don’t have a uterus.
Natasha: Or ovaries.
Yelena: Yeah. That’s what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy.
Yelena: They kind of just go in and they rip out all of your reproductive organs.
Yelena: They just get right in there and they chop them all away.
Yelena: Everything out, so you can’t have babies.
Alexei: Okay, okay. Okay! Okay!
Alexei: You don’t have to get so clinical and nasty.
Yelena: Oh, well, I was about to talk about fallopian tubes, but okay.
Alexei: No.
Alexei: It means so much to me that you came back for me.
Natasha: No. No. You’re gonna tell us how to get to the Red Room.
Alexei: Huh.
Alexei: Whoa, look at you, huh? All business.
Natasha: Trust me, this isn’t pleasure.
Alexei: Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the Western agenda.
Natasha: I chose to go west to become an Avenger.
Natasha: ‘Cause they treated me like family.
Alexei: Really? Family?
Alexei: Well, where are they now?
Alexei: Where is that family now?
Natasha: Tell me where the Red Room is.
Alexei: I have no idea.
Alexei: Okay?
Natasha: Come on. You and Dreykov were like…
Alexei: Dreykov?
Natasha: Yeah.
Alexei: General Dreykov, my friend, huh?
Alexei: Gives me glory…
Alexei: Soviet Union’s first and only super soldier. I could have been more famous than Captain America. Then he buries me in Ohio on that stupid mission. Three years! So tedious, boring me to tears. No offense, huh? Then puts me in prison for the rest of my life. Why, huh? Why? Why would he put me in… You know why? ‘Cause maybe I want to talk about the withering of the state. Or maybe I don’t like his hair or something and I say something casually about that. Maybe, you know, I want the Party to feel actually like a party instead of this sourpuss organization. But instead, no. He puts me in prison for the rest of my life. He just runs off and hides, huh? I’m not even the one who, uh, you know… I’m not the one who killed his daughter.
Yelena: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) Great!
Yelena: (IN ENGLISH) Can we throw him out the window now?
Natasha: I think we should wait till we get to a higher altitude.
Yelena: All right.
Alexei: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) Why not ask Melina where it is?
Yelena: (IN ENGLISH) Wait, Mom Melina?
Natasha: We thought she was dead.
(Alexei SCOFFS)
Alexei: You cannot kill a fox that swift.
Natasha: Ew.
Alexei: What?
Alexei: She was the scientist, the strategist. I was the muscle. She worked directly for Dreykov far more than I ever did.
Natasha: Wait. Are you telling me that Melina is working for the Red Room present day?
Alexei: She works remotely outside St. Petersburg.
Yelena: (SCOFFS) Uh…
Yelena: I don’t think we have enough fuel for St. Petersburg.
Alexei: No, we’re good. We’ll make it.
Yelena: Okay.
Alexei: You should’ve brought the Avengers’ superjet.
Yelena: I swear, if I hear one more word from him, I will kick him in the face.
Natasha: (SOFTLY) He’s the worst.
Alexei: Natasha. Natasha. Natasha. Come here, I want to ask you something. Come, it’s important.
Natasha: What?
Alexei: Did he talk to you about me?
Natasha: What?
Alexei: Did he talk to you about me? You know, trading war stories?
Natasha: Who? What are you talking about?
Alexei: Captain America. My great adversary in this theater of geopolitical conflict. Not so much a nemesis. More like a contemporary, you know? Coequal. I always thought there was a great deal of mutual respect…
Natasha: Wait. You haven’t seen either one of us in 20 years and you’re gonna ask me about you?
Alexei: What is with this tension? Did I do something wrong?
Yelena: Is that a serious question?
Alexei: I only ever loved you girls. I did my best to make sure you would succeed to achieve your fullest potential, and everything worked out.
Natasha: Everything worked out?
Alexei: Yes. For you, yes. We accomplished our mission in Ohio. Yelena, you went on to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. No one can match your efficiency, your ruthlessness. And Natasha, not just a spy, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within, but an Avenger. You both have killed so many people. Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red. I couldn’t be more proud of you.
(Natasha SCOFFS)
Yelena: Okay. You can… No. Let go of me now. You smell really bad.
Yelena: So, are we there yet?
Alexei: You’ll know when we’re there.
Melina: Slight right. Straight on. Right. Slight right. Oh, very good, my darling.
Melina: Yes, very good. Yes, very good, my darling.
Melina: Back home where it’s safe. Come on. Go on.
Alexei: Honey, we’re home. Come on, girls.
Melina: Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home. Let’s have a drink. (SIGHS)
Natasha: Hey, no funny business.
Melina: I am putting away my weapon.
Natasha: Are there any booby traps around here? Anything we need to know about?
Melina: I didn’t raise my girls to fall in traps.
Natasha: You didn’t raise us at all.
Melina: Oh, maybe so. But if you got soft, it wasn’t on my watch.
Melina: Let’s drink.
Alexei: Okay.
Alexei: Still fits.
Yelena: Oh, my God.
Melina: I never washed it once. Come and drink.
Alexei: (SINGING) Rise, you workers of salvation. (SCATTING) Family back together again. Mmm.
Melina: Seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years, I don’t think that we can use this term anymore, can we?
Natasha: Agreed. So, here’s what’s gonna happen…
Alexei: Okay. A reunion then, huh? And, uh… I want to say something right off the bat. You haven’t aged a day, huh? You’re just as beautiful and as supple as the day they staged our marriage.
Melina: You got fat. But still good.
Alexei: (Alexei CHUCKLES) I just got out of prison. I, uh… I have a lot of energy.
Melina: Oh!
Natasha: Please don’t do that. So, here’s what’s gonna happen.
Melina: Natasha, don’t slouch.
Natasha: I’m not slouching.
Melina: Yes, yes, you are.
Natasha: I don’t slouch.
Melina: You’re going to get a back hunch.
Alexei: Listen to your mother.
Natasha: Oh, my God, this…
Alexei: Up, up.
Natasha: All right, enough. All of you.
Yelena: I didn’t say anything. That’s not fair.
Natasha: Here’s what’s gonna happen…
Yelena: I don’t want any food.
Melina: Eat a little something, Yelena, for God’s sake.
Natasha: You’re gonna tell us the location of the Red Room.
Melina: You know, it’s like when you told them that they could stay up late to catch Santa Claus.
Alexei: What? That was fun. You know, “He come down the chimney, girls. Look out. Where is he?” You wait for him, and then when the cookies are gone, then you see he’s there. No, no. What? I want them to follow their dreams.
Melina: No good.
Alexei: Reach for the stars, girls.
Natasha: Finding Dreykov is not a fantasy. It’s unfinished business.
Melina: You can’t defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America. Nor did you.
Alexei: Natasha, always focus, focus. Get what you want.
Melina: Come in.
Natasha: Did that pig just open the door?
Melina: Yes. It did. Good boy, Alexei. Good boy.
Alexei: You named a pig after me?
Melina: You don’t see the resemblance? See, he sits just like dog. Amazing. Now, watch.
Alexei: It’s a little weird, to me.
Melina: Stop breathing.
Melina: We infiltrated the North Institute in Ohio. It was a front for S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. Actually, it was Hydra scientists at that time. In conjunction with the Winter Soldier project, they had dissected and deconstructed the human brain to create the first and only cellular blueprint of the basal ganglia. Was the hub for cognition. Voluntary motor movement, procedural learning. We didn’t steal weaponry or technology. We stole the key to unlocking free will.
Natasha: What are you doing?
Melina: Oh, I am explaining that the science is now so exact, the subject can be instructed to stop breathing and has no choice but to obey.
Natasha: Okay, you made your point. That’s enough.
Melina: Yes, all right. Well, don’t worry, Alexei could’ve survived 11 more seconds without oxygen. Good boy. Now, you go back, back home where it’s safe.
Melina: You go. You go back home, back home where it’s safe. Good boy, Alexei. The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled. Dreykov has chemically subjugated agents planted around the globe.
Yelena: And do you know who they test it on?
Melina: Hmm… No. That’s not my department.
Alexei: Ah, come on, come on. Don’t lie to them. Hmm?
Melina: I’m not lying.
Alexei: You’re Dreykov’s architect, huh?
Melina: What were you? If I was his architect, you were his partner. You were his business partner.
Alexei: No, no, no. I was patsy! (BANGS TABLE)
Melina: Don’t give me that…
Alexei: He sell me ideology.
Melina: Stop with the politics.
Alexei: All the while, bigger…
Natasha: Shut up! You are an idiot. And you’re a coward. You’re a coward. And our family was never real, so there’s nothing to hold on to. We’re moving on.
Alexei: Never family, huh? In my heart, I am simple man. And I think that for a couple deep undercover Russian agents I think we did pretty great as parents, huh? Yes, we had our orders, and we played our roles to perfection.
Natasha: Who cares? That wasn’t real.
Yelena: What?
Natasha: That wasn’t real. Who cares?
Yelena: Don’t say that. Please don’t say that. It was real. It was real to me. You are my mother. You were my real mother. The closest thing I ever had to one. The best part of my life was fake.
Yelena: And none of you told me.
Yelena: And those agents you chemically subjugated around the globe? That was me. Mmm. And you, you got out. Dreykov made sure no one could escape. Are you gonna say anything? No. Don’t touch me.
Natasha: Yelena.
Yelena: No.
Melina: I had no idea.
Alexei: It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll go talk to her.
Yelena: I came in here because I didn’t want to talk.
Alexei: Okay. We, uh… We just sit. We just sit.
Melina: Where are you going?
Natasha: To do this myself.
Melina: Don’t. You won’t survive.
Natasha: I wish I could believe that you cared. But you’re not even the first mother that abandoned me.
Melina: No, you weren’t abandoned. You were selected by a program that assessed the genetic potential in infants.
Natasha: I was taken?
Melina: I believe a bargain was struck, your family paid off. But your mother, she never stopped looking for you. She was like you in that way. She was relentless.
Natasha: What happened to her?
Melina: Dreykov had her killed. Her existence threatened to uncover the Red Room. Normally, the actions of one curious civilian wouldn’t warrant an execution, but, as I said, she was relentless.
Natasha: I thought about her every day of my life. Whether or not I admitted it to myself, I did.
Melina: I’ve always found it best not to look into the past.
Natasha: Then why did you save this? I remember this day. We shot Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and summer vacation all in one day. Different backdrops.
Melina: Mmm.
Natasha: I knew all the presents under the tree were just empty boxes, but I didn’t care. I wanted to open every single one… so just for a second it would feel real.
Melina: Let’s stop this.
Natasha: Why you doing this?
Melina: Why does a mouse born in a cage run on that little wheel? Do you know I was cycled through the Red Room four times before you were even born? Those walls are all I know. I was never given a choice.
Natasha: But you’re not a mouse, Melina. You were just born in a cage, but that’s not your fault.
(Melina SCOFFS)
Melina: Tell me, how did you keep your heart?
Natasha: Pain only makes us stronger. Didn’t you tell us that? What you taught me kept me alive.
Melina: I’m sorry, I already alerted the Red Room. They’ll be here any minute.
Alexei: So, there I am ice fishing with my father. It’s very cold day in this little ice shed. Cold even for Russia, you know? “Keep the vodka by the fire,” my father would say to me.
Yelena: Please stop talking.
Alexei: Please wait. Please wait.
Yelena: Please, no. Please, I don’t want to talk.
Alexei: Please. Please. There is a reason why I’m telling you this, okay? Trust me. I am reaching for fish. Oh! I lose balance. Ah! Splash! My hands go in the river.
Alexei: In this weather, frostbite sets in quick. My father, he go toilet on my hands.
Yelena: Oh, my God.
Alexei: Urine is 35 degrees Celsius, staves off the frostbite.
Yelena: How is this relevant?
Alexei: You know, fathers.
Yelena: No. No. You have done nothing but tell me how bored you were. I was the chore, the job you didn’t want to do. To me? To me, you were everything. Exactly. You don’t care. You don’t care. The only thing you care about are your stupid glory days as the Crimson Dynamo, and no one wants to hear about it.
Alexei: (WHISPERS) It’s the Red Guardian.
Yelena: Get out. Get out!
Alexei: (SINGING) I can’t remember if I cried. When I read about his widowed bride. Something touched me deep inside. The day. The music. Died. And they were singing
Alexei: Bye
Yelena: Bye
Alexei: Miss American Pie
Yelena: American Pie
Alexei: Drove my Chevy to the levee. But the levee was dry
Yelena: Was dry
Alexei: Them good old boys. Drinking whiskey. Singing
Alexei and Yelena BOTH: “This will be the day that I die”. “This’ll be the day…”
Alexei: Get down.
Alexei: (SCOFFS) They think…
Melina: I’m sorry.
Melina: Let’s not keep him waiting.
Melina: Request clearance for landing.
Alexei: Melina?
Melina: (IN ENGLISH) We’re touching down in one minute.
Alexei: Then why are we still going up?
Melina: Now you’ll know how Dreykov stayed above the radar all these years.
Dreykov: My God. Look at you. (CHUCKLES) So, uh, how was the family reunion? Oh, it was awful.
Natasha: They were clingy, and too emotional, and needy.
Dreykov: (CHUCKLING) Just like old times, huh?
Natasha: Hmm.
Dreykov: Yelena Belova. What’s the deal with her? She was the only one affected, right?
Natasha: As far as I know, yes.
Dreykov: These gasses and antidotes, it’s a pain in my ass. It’s a problem. You need to sort it.
Natasha: Hmm. I have nine pigs that will require attending to in my absence.
Dreykov: Don’t give a shit about your pigs. Cut her brain out… Hmm? Identify the weakness.
Yelena: This is a much less cool way to die.
Melina: Alexei.
(Alexei PANTING)
Natasha: What about Romanoff?
Dreykov: She’s a traitor. She turned her back on her people. On her blood. She had nothing. I gave her home. I gave her love. Put that thing in her you do. You know, uh, chemicals. Turn her into one of your pigs. Can you imagine what I could do with an Avenger under my control?
Natasha: Wouldn’t you like to speak to her first?
Dreykov: When you look into the eyes of a child you have raised, no mask in the world can hide that.
Dreykov: Welcome home. Now, now. Don’t go breaking my new toy.
Alexei: Natasha. I can’t save us. (ON SPEAKERS) I need you to know that I’m sorry.
Melina: (SIGHS)
Alexei: I pledged my life to a cause. You know, I thought I was being very brave. Possibly the bravest. But I wasn’t being brave. I was coward. (SOBBING) In Cuba, when they came and took you away from me… (SIGHS) No cause is worth that. You should only sacrifice yourself for something… (GLASS SQUEAKING) How did you do that?
Melina: I designed these cells myself.
Alexei: What? What? I bared my soul to you and it was just you the whole time?
Melina: Yes, I’m afraid so. But wait, shh, I’m on comms with Yelena. Yelena, it’s me. It’s Mama. You have a two-inch blade concealed in your beltline.
Yelena: What? What are you going to do to me?
Melina: Outside right hip.
Yelena: You couldn’t have told me sooner?
Melina: Don’t throw a fit. There wasn’t time.
Alexei: Okay, girls, I’m having trouble hearing you, but, Natasha, there’s something I need you to know. I need you to know that I’m sorry. No more excuses, okay? I gave my life for a cause. I thought I was being brave.
Melina: You don’t have earpiece.
Alexei: What?
Melina: No, she can’t hear you. You don’t have earpiece.
Alexei: Why not?
Melina: Because it wasn’t part of the plan.
Alexei: Oh, yeah? Well, what was the plan?
Natasha: So, once we’re inside, I’ll activate my tracker and Ross will come running.
Melina: You are aware that you are still a global fugitive, yes?
Natasha: You know the facility. There must be some way to land it.
Melina: Instruct them to confine us on level zero. Once I’m out, I can activate the landing protocol, we can descend within the hour. Ah, problem. I only have one earpiece set.
Natasha: I’ll give it to Yelena.
Yelena: Where did he take the vials?
Melina: Probably down to cold storage. Dreykov still has the widows under his control, so you have to expose them to this antidote.
Yelena: Yeah. Sure. Easy.
Dreykov: Is this your plan?
Natasha: My plan is to kill you.
Dreykov: I’m alive. So, what do we do now?
Natasha: What was my mother’s name?
Dreykov: Ah… Where we buried her, there was a tree… Um… A pink blossom. Beautiful. And there was a tombstone with her name engraved on it. What was her name? Ah. (CHUCKLES) “Unknown.”
Natasha: You don’t feel anything? You feel anything when I killed your daughter?
Dreykov: I s this your haunted past? Really? (LAUGHING) Thank you, Natasha. You gave me my greatest weapon. Say hello. When your bomb exploded, it nearly killed my Antonia. I had to put a chip in the back of her neck. In the back of her neck. Look at her. You find it difficult to look at her? I do. She… She watches everything and she can do it. She’s a perfect mimic. And she fights just like all of your friends.
Natasha: Can she hear me?
Dreykov: What? You want to make her feel better? You want to tell her you’re sorry? Well, you should have thought of that before you blew her face off. But enough of all this bullshit. Go to work. I have rats in the basement. Go. Go.
Natasha: Well, that was a mistake.
Dreykov: Was it?
Natasha: You just sent away the one thing that would stop me from killing you.
Dreykov: Try, then. Do it.
(Natasha GRUNTING)
Dreykov: Is the safety on?
Dreykov: No. Try your knife.
Dreykov: Ah…
(Natasha GASPS)
Dreykov: You’re in trouble.
Natasha: How are you controlling me?
Dreykov: I’m not controlling you, Natasha. Well, not yet. But there is a pheromonal lock. Smelling my pheromones prevents you from committing violence against me. I’m very upset with Melina. It’s a shame I have to kill her.
Alexei: Come on, now. If we’re just going to press buttons and hack computers…
Melina: Yes. Alexei: I mean, I don’t know.
Alexei: There’s nothing for me to do. I want to… I want to break something.
Melina: Oh, you do?
Melina: Oh, there is something you can break.
Alexei: Melina, if this is the last time that we… Ah, damn it.
Yelena: (SHUDDERS) That was disgusting.
Yelena: Okay.
Dreykov: So, this was the big plan, huh? Melina was going to land the Red Room and hand me over to the authorities.
Melina: Oh, no, no, no.
Natasha: So, what now, you’re gonna fold me into your pathetic little puppeteer act?
Dreykov: Pathetic, huh?
Natasha: Yeah, what would you call it?
Dreykov: I would call it…
Natasha: When was the last time that you had a conversation with somebody that wasn’t forced to talk to you?
Dreykov: You ran away to fight in the wrong war. The real war was fought here, in the shadows.
Natasha: You didn’t fight in the shadows. You hid in the dark.
Dreykov: Real power comes from undetectable influence.
Natasha: If no one’s noticed, then why even do it? You’re nothing.
Dreykov: Hmm.
Natasha: You have nothing.
Dreykov: There are 50 people on this planet…
Natasha: (SCOFFING) Oh, stop it.
Dreykov: (SHOUTING) Don’t tell me to stop!
Natasha: If I don’t tell you when to stop, then how will you know when to shut up?
(Natasha GRUNTS)
Natasha: Come on. Think I can’t take a punch? (CHUCKLES)
Dreykov: Oh.
Natasha: God damn it, you’re weak.
Dreykov: Weak?
Natasha: I bet it’s easier to be tough in front of defenseless little girls, huh?
Dreykov: That’s enough.
Dreykov: You wouldn’t be so glib if you had any notion of the scope of what I’ve built. I own this world. Me.
Natasha: You seem desperate to impress me.
Dreykov: I don’t need to impress you. I don’t need to impress anyone. These world leaders, these great men, they answer to me and my widows. Look at them. These girls were trash. They are thrown out into the street. I recycle the trash. And I give them purpose. I give them a life.
Yelena: Melina, I found the location of the vials.
Melina: I’ve had a slight setback. You’ll need to get to the widows.
Dreykov: It’s my network of widows that help me control the scales of power. One command, the oil and stock markets crumble. One command, and a quarter of the planet will starve. My widows can start and end wars. They can make and break kings.
Natasha: You control all of that from here?
Dreykov: And with you, an Avenger under my control, I can finally come out of the shadows using the only natural resource that the world has too much of. Girls.
Natasha: All from that little console?
Dreykov: Yeah. Oh, you find this amusing? Why are you smiling?
Natasha: Don’t take it personal, but, uh… Thank you for your cooperation.
Melina: Even if you locate the database and get him to show you the key, you won’t be able to take it from him. For years, Dreykov has implemented a pheromonal lock in all widows, even me. So, as long as we can smell him, then we won’t be able to hurt him.
Natasha: (SCOFFS) Well, I’ll just hold my breath.
Melina: Not enough. This is basic science. Natasha, to block receptors in olfactory center, you have to sever the nerve.
Natasha: I can handle that.
Natasha: You weren’t quite strong enough, so… I’ll have to finish it myself.
Dreykov: (CHUCKLES) What are you going to do?
Natasha: Sever the nerve.
Guard: Melina! Stay there! Drop to the ground, quick!
Melina: (IN ENGLISH) Precisely what I was thinking.
Melina: Yelena, slight change of plan. I completely demolished one of the engines and we are going into a controlled crash.
Yelena: Fantastic. I’m heading to the widows now. No.
Melina: We have to go.
Natasha: Not so talkative now, are you? (GRUNTS) You took my childhood. You took my choices and tried to break me. But you’re never gonna do that to anybody ever again.
Dreykov: Nobody leaves this room until she’s dead. Make her suffer.
Natasha: I don’t wanna hurt you. You don’t wanna hurt me.
Yelena: Hey.
(Natasha GROANS)
Yelena: Are you okay? That looks like it hurts. Okay. I take out on three, ready? (GRUNTS). I’m sorry.
Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) Get as far away from here as possible. You get to make your own choices now.
Yelena: We gotta get outta here. We need to find Dreykov. Are you coming?
Natasha: I’m right behind you.
Dreykov: Wait, wait! I have to go back!
Natasha: Yes!
Melina: Do you see the girls?
Alexei: No!
Melina: We need to go back.
Melina: We’ve lost control.
Natasha: Antonia. No! (PANTING) I’m gonna open the door. You’re gonna come after me. It’s okay. It’s okay. I know you’re still in there. And I’m not gonna leave you. Okay.
Natasha: Yelena!
Dreykov: She’s on the wing! Move! What are you waiting for?
Natasha: Don’t do it!
Yelena: This was fun!
Natasha: No!
(Natasha GRUNTS)
(Natasha GRUNTING)
Natasha: Okay. Let’s go. Enough.
Natasha: I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Dreykov: Is he gone?
Natasha: He’s gone.
Natasha: Yelena! Yelena?
Yelena: We’re both upside down.
Natasha: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) Forgive me, my little sister. (IN ENGLISH) I should’ve come back for you.
Yelena: You don’t have to say that. It’s okay.
Natasha: Hey. Hey. It was real to me, too.
Yelena: Thank you.
Natasha: Everybody good?
Melina: I am clearly injured.
Natasha: You got something to say?
Melina: I’d just mess it up.
Natasha: Here comes the cavalry.
MAN: (ON RADIO) We’re closing in on the target, sir.
Melina: So, what’s our plan?
Natasha: You guys go. I’ll stay.
Alexei: That’s insanity. We fight. We fight with you.
Natasha: I’ll hold them off.
Alexei: Natasha, we fight.
Melina: We can’t split up. You’re so pigheaded.
Natasha: You guys, go.
Yelena: Oh, my God.
Natasha: Besides, if it can work out with the four of us, you know, there may be some hope for the Avengers. Little bit.
Yelena: Okay, well, if you’re leaving, then I guess you should take this. I know how much you like it.
Natasha: Shucks. (LAUGHS) It does have a lot of pockets.
Yelena: Very handy pockets, yeah.
Natasha: He had widows implanted all over the world. Melina will need to copy the formula, but you should be the one to tell ’em it’s over.
Yelena: You came back for us.
Widow 2: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) We wouldn't leave you behind.
Yelena: (IN ENGLISH) Thank you.
Melina: Hey. Hey. You take care of yourself, okay?
Natasha: Don’t worry. I got this.
Melina: I know.
Melina: Don’t worry. We’re bringing her with us. Come. Come with us.
Natasha: You ever not sleep?
Rick Mason: I’ve been in six different time zones in three days because of you.
Natasha: Oh, really?
Rick Mason: Yeah.
Natasha: What, are you scrapping together some parts? What’d you get me this time, like, an upside-down lawnmower?
Rick Mason: You see what I can get you with a bit of time and money? Go on, say it. I wanna hear it. It would really be good for me to hear it. Really.
Natasha: I’m impressed.
Rick Mason: Well, yeah.
Natasha: You’ve always been a really good friend to me.
Rick Mason: That’s what every man wants to hear. Where you gonna go?
Natasha: It’s funny. My whole life, I didn’t think I had any family. Turns out I got two, so… One of them’s a bit of a mess right now. I’m gonna go break a few of them out of prison see if I can’t help patch things up. (SIGHS)
Yelena: Come on, Fanny. (GRUNTS)
Valentina: Wow. Sorry. (SNIFFLES) I’m allergic to the Midwest. What this woman did, honestly, I can’t even imagine.
Yelena: You’re not supposed to be bothering me on my holiday time, Valentina.
Valentina: Oh, bothering you? Oh, no, no. I’m just here paying my respects.
Yelena: Hmm… You know, coming here makes you look desperate.
Valentina: Okay.
Yelena: I want a raise.
Valentina: Oh, yeah. You and me both. Believe me, you’re gonna earn it. I’ve got your next target. Thought I’d hand-deliver it. Maybe you’d like a shot at the man responsible for your sister’s death. Kind of a cutie, don’t you think? (Shows Yelena a photo of Clint Barton)