Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a 2011 American drama film about a young boy who goes on a journey to find the lock box that his father who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks left him the key to.
- Tom Hanks as Oskar's father
- Sandra Bullock as Oskar's mother
- Thomas Horn as Oskar Schell
- Max von Sydow as "the man renting a room from Oskar's grandmother who befriends Oskar and accompanies him on his quest"
- Viola Davis as Wright's character's wife who has a "profound effect on Oskar"[3]
- John Goodman as the doorman in Oskar's apartment building who "goes on a trip to exhume the father's coffin".
- Jeffrey Wright as Davis' character's husband who has a "profound effect on Oskar"
- James Gandolfini as Ron, Oskar's mom's male friend whom she "met at a support group for people who have lost loved ones"
- Zoe Caldwell as Oskar's grandmother