Imperium is a British-Italian film series. The premise of this series is about key events and rulers of the history of the Roman Empire.
The films in the series so far are:
- Imperium: Augustus (2003), a film about Caesar Augustus.
- Imperium: Nero (2004), a film about Emperor Nero.
- Imperium: Saint Peter (2005), a film about Saint Peter.
- Imperium: Pompeii (2007), a film about the last days of Pompeii, the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.
- Imperium: Augustine: the Decline of the Roman Empire (2010), a two-part miniserieschronicling the life of St. Augustine, the early Christian theologian, writer and Bishop of Hippo Regius at the time of the Vandal invasion (AD 430).