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A list of clichés often used too often in movies. They can also be clichés used too often in horror movies as well.



  • There is always a jump scare. A jump scare is a moment of silence followed by a sudden loud noise that startles you, nevertheless, it doesn't make it scary, just predictable and the jump scare is annoyingly overused in horror movies.
  • The killer won't die, e.g. Halloween, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, various.
  • They always kill off the black guy (racists).
  • There is always a final girl in the final act left to fight the killer after the killer has finished killing off all her friends, e.g. Halloween, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, various.
  • There are always teenage girls that act dumb by doing dumb things like going into the basement where the killer is likely waiting for them.