[As the opening logos appear, we hear an air raid siren before hearing a radio tuning in to a speech from Winston Churchill.]
Winston Churchill: (on radio) The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause… We shall never surrender.
[Then, the radio turns to Adolf Hitler shouting in German with a crowd chanting in German. Then, tuning in to a speech from Robert St. John.]
Robert St. John: (on radio) Men and women of the United States, this is a momentous hour in world history.
[Finally, a speech from Dwight Eisenhower.]
Dwight Eisenhower: (on radio) Soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force, you are about to embark upon the Great Crusade. You will bring about the destruction of the German war machine. The elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe. I have full confidence in your skill in battle. The eyes of the world are upon you.
Tibbet: Hitler’s already dead. Short train ride from Paris to Berlin, and I get there with this baby… Pow! We all go home.
Rosenfeld: That's a lot of boats! I think I'd rather be up here. Some Kraut bomb spots them all squeezed together like that, take out 20 at a time. Tougher to shoot down a plane.
Tibbet: Hey, Rosenfeld! More GIs die in planes than boats. That's a fact.
Nez: Don't listen to Tibbet, Rosenfeld. He's full of shit.
Dawson: Hey, Grunauer! How do you say "full of shit" in German again?
Grunauer: (translated from German) “He’s full of shit.” (the soldiers laugh)
Dawson: (laughs) I love that.
[Boyce stares at a man, Ford, staring out the window. A photographer snaps a picture of this with his camera.]
Morton: Hey. Morton Chase. I'm a photographer. I heard the Sergeant say that you were in Italy before this? It's a great frame. You mind if I snap a couple pictures of you looking out the window?
Ford: You know what I wouldn't mind, Morton Chase, is you taking your ass back to your seat.
[Chase meekly sits back in his seat.]
Tibbet: You making friends already, pretty boy?
[Rosenfeld sees Boyce staring at Ford.]
Rosenfeld: You know that guy?
Boyce: No.
Murphy: Corporal from Baker Company. Last minute transfer.
Tibbet: I heard he got put in with us for popping a captain.
Nez: He pops his C.O. and gets a ride with us, huh? So, what did we do wrong? (the soldiers laugh) Uh, Boyce. Gum?
Tibbet: What the fuck is this? What's this, for luck?
Boyce: Come on, man.
Tibbet: Shit, you're gonna need more than that when we hit the ground.
Boyce: Can you give me my chain, please? Ain't gonna be nothing like boot camp, not with those Jerries firing real ammo. And, hell, Boyce, you hardly made it out of boot alive. No lucky charm in the world is gonna turn you into a soldier.
Boyce: Are you finished? Are you gonna give me the fucking chain?
Tibbet: I'm screwing with you.
Boyce: Thanks.
Sergeant Rensin: Where's our drop zone, Nez?
Nez: The village of Cielblanc, France, Sergeant!
Sergeant Rensin: And what is our target, Grunauer?
Grunauer: Radio-jamming tower on top of the church near the town center, Sergeant!
Sergeant Rensin: And why would the Nazi put a radio-jamming tower on top of a church, Private Boyce?
Boyce: Because they...
Sergeant Rensin: Good Christ Almighty, Boyce. They put it on a church because the Nazi are rotten sons of bitches. And rotten sons of bitches will do anything they have to to destroy everything that is good in this world! That is why we have to be just as rotten as they are. (shouts) Am I clear?
Paratroopers: Yes, Sergeant!
Sergeant Rensin: There are gonna be over 120,000 Allied soldiers fighting their way onto a French beach in the name of all that is good and pure in this world. Those men are gonna need air support! That support will not make it through Jerry's defenses if we do not get that tower down by 0600. So what do you have to do?
Paratroopers: Our goddamn job, Sergeant!
Sergeant Rensin: That's right. Your goddamn job. Corporal Ford here has joined as our explosives expert. You are lucky to have him. You will obey his commands as if you heard my own beautiful voice coming from his lips. Our drop is 90 minutes out. Coo-ree!
Paratroopers: Coo-ree!
Rosenfeld: We must be getting close. Hope nothing goes wrong. We miss our drop and land in the middle of a German squad or something...
Boyce: Nothing's gonna go wrong.
Rosenfeld: Because we both know what the Nazi are gonna do to a guy named Rosenfeld.
Boyce: Nothing's gonna go wrong.
Sergeant Rensin: It's just a little Kraut hello, ladies. Hold your seat and stay calm. We jump when the light tells us. Isn’t this fun, ladies?
Boyce: Oh, shit!
Navigator: Too much flak! We're gonna have to drop a couple of clicks south.
Sergeant Rensin: Copy that.
Sergeant Rensin: Didn't I tell you, ladies, I'd show you a good time?
Murphy: We're gonna fucking die! We're gonna fucking die!
[One soldier stands up.]
Soldier: Sarge, you got...
[He gets shot down by the bullets.]
Soldier 2: Murphy!
Dawson: Medic!
Sergeant Rensin: Settle down! This is why we're here. This is the job.
Ford: Grunauer, sit down! Goddamn it, sit down!
Grunauer: I can save him! I can save him!
Ford: He's dead! Sit down! Everybody sit down!
Boyce: Oh, shit!
[The bell rings and the light turns red.]
Sergeant Rensin: Red level! Stand up.
Sergeant Rensin: Hook up.
Ford: Square up that line!
Sergeant Rensin: Wait for green.
Rosenfeld: Oh, shit. (huffs in fear) See you on the ground.
Boyce: I'll be right behind you. Jacob! I'll be right behind you.
Rosenfeld: Okay.
Sergeant Rensin: Manual deploy!
Ford: Tibbet, go!
Ford: Rosenfeld! Go!
Boyce: (softly) Jacob? Jacob? Jacob?
[He stops to see his sergeant surrounded by German soldiers.]
Boyce: Sarge.
[He hides undercover.]
Sergeant Rensin: Any of you Krauts got a cigarette?
[The soldiers laugh at Rensin.]
Sergeant Rensin: You got to be shitting me. None of you?
[Boyce prepares to get out his gun when Ford appears behind him and quietly holds him back. He shushes Boyce so as not to blow their cover. The Germans point their guns at Rensin.]
Sergeant Rensin: Well, that's goddamn...
[Rensin is immediately shot down by the Germans. One German soldier spits at his corpse and they all leave. Boyce tries to spring out, but Ford stops him.]
Corporal Ford: (whispering) Shut up. It's over.
Boyce: (whispering) You just let him die.
Corporal Ford: (whispering) He was dead before he hit the ground. He fucking knew that.
Boyce: (whispering) What are you talking about? We could've...
Corporal Ford: (whispering) Done shit. There were ten of them, and I've seen how you hold that rifle. The Sergeant wasn't the mission. We got to get that tower down by 0600. Let's go.
Ford: Another click north, we reach the rally point at Cielblanc.
Boyce: That's if the others even made it. Did you see anyone?
Ford: No, just you.
Boyce: And Sergeant Rensin.
Ford: Boyce, you keep worrying about dead bodies, you're gonna be one.
Boyce: Well, Corporal, I had friends on that plane.
Ford: Yeah. Well, friends die.
Boyce: Corporal.
Tibbet: (whispers) Flash.
Boyce: (whispers) Thunder.
Tibbet: Welcome to France.
Dawson: Hey, fellas!
Ford: Shh.
Dawson: (softly) Oh, sorry. I was afraid it was just gonna be us three.
Tibbet: (chuckles) He was afraid. I was about to end it if I had to listen to Annie Oakley over here for another minute.
Ford: Tibbet, how you doing on explosives?
Tibbet: I'm good. Please tell me you got more than just Boyce with you.
Chase: (stumbles with his camera) Goddamn it. Sorry.
Ford: You got your camera.
Chase: Oh, jeez. Huh?
Ford: You brought your camera.
Chase: Yes.
Ford: That made the jump?
Chase: Yeah.
Ford: Wow, that's well-made.
Chase: Thank you.
Ford: You get scenic shots with it?
Chase: Uh, well, I think they want me to take some more of the action, maybe get some scenes from the frontline.
Ford: Can I see that? I can use that.
Chase: Just be careful with this. You know, it's a fragile...
Ford: (throws the camera away) It's like wearing a spotlight around your neck.
Boyce: Sorry, man.
[They walk down the fields.]
Ford: Any sign of Rosenfeld?
Dawson: Saw Grunauer about a mile east. The Krauts had shot him all to hell.
Tibbet: Shit. Not gonna be nobody left to rally with.
Ford: Just keep smiling through it, Tibbet.
Tibbet: Fuck France. I bet you wish you were back at Italy, huh, Corporal? How'd you even end up with us?
Ford: I don't know, Tibbet. Why do you talk so much? Some questions don't have good answers.
Dawson: (chuckles) I'm gonna put that in my book, Corporal Ford.
Chase: Your book?
Dawson: Yeah. I've been writing it since we got stationed.
Tibbet: Is that what you're always scribbling about? Jesus, Dawson, I didn't think a hick like you knew enough letters to make a sentence, much less a fucking book.
Dawson: My mama writes her cookbooks for the church back home. I figured I'd try it over here. All the stuff regular folks don't know. What goes on from basic to here.
Tibbet: Sounds thrilling. Bet you'll sell a million copies.
Boyce: I'd buy one.
Dawson: Thanks, buddy. And, Chase, I was thinking maybe me and you could team up, use some of your pictures in it. That way, you get a cut of the profits...
[Without notice, he steps on a hidden mine. BOOM! Dawson is killed in the explosion, making Boyce lose his hearing for a moment.]
Ford: (muffled) Boyce! Boyce... Boyce, walk on a line to me!
[Soon, his hearing clears up.]
Ford: Boyce!
[Boyce exclaims and pants.]
Boyce: Where's Dawson? Where's Dawson?
Ford: There is no Dawson. Walk to me on a line like you're on a fucking tightrope. Fix your bayonet and probe to my line.
[Boyce fixes the bayonet on his gun.]
Ford: Come on. We got to go! (to Chase) Chase, get right on his tracks. Move it, keep coming.
[Boyce carefully walks along the path and makes it to the others.]
Ford: (shushing) Hey, hey, hey, get up. (to Tibbet) Point your weapon that way.
Tibbet: Anyone want to come over here and get me?
Ford: Use your rifle. Light taps. Not hard enough to set off a mine.
Tibbet: Exactly how hard is too hard?
Ford: You'll know. Move it. We need to get to the tree line.
Boyce: He was there and then he wasn't.
Ford: But you still are. So get your head right. We got a job to do.
Tibbet: What the hell is this?
Chase: A dog, maybe?
Tibbet: Oh. Smells like shit.
Chase: (shines a light on the thing) What is that on it?
Tibbet: Looks like an eyeball.
Chase: That's not normal.
Ford: Hey, turn off the fucking light.
Chase: Jesus, sorry.
Ford: Goddamn it, doesn't matter what it… What it is.
Tibbet: That's not a dog.
Chase: Kind of looks like a jackal.
Tibbet: A jackal?
Chase: Yeah, you know, Satan's dogs? Patrol hell. Rip the spirit right out of your body and take it straight to the devil.
Tibbet: Where do you come up with this shit?
Chase: What do you mean?
Tibbet: How do these things pop into your head?
Chase: The Bible.
Tibbet: The Bible. How many jackals have you seen with a hoof?
Chase: That's exactly my point. This is not your average jackal.
Boyce: Hey! (shushing)
Boyce: Corporal, what do we do?
Ford: She can't let anyone know we're here. Grab her. Grab her.
Ford: Easy. Easy, easy. Easy.
Boyce: (translated in French) “You’re safe. You’re safe. It’s okay. It’s over.”
Ford: Boyce, official translator. All right.
Tibbet: Our girl's a scavenger.
Ford: Cielblanc? Is that your village? Cielblanc? (the woman nods) Germans? Many Germans?
[She spits at the ground and Tibbet chuckles. Ford picks up a knife and offers it to her.]
Ford: Here.
[She takes the knife.]
Ford: Boyce, tell her to lead the way.
Boyce: (translated in French) “Can you… take us?”
Woman: (translated in French) “The bag.”
Tibbet: (holds the bag) This? (hands it to her) Here.
Tibbet: Fucking Nazis.
Woman: (translated in French) “That’s my home. But you can’t be seen.”
Boyce: Corporal? This is it.
Ford: What are we gonna find in there?
Boyce: (translated in French) “Do you live by yourself?”
Woman: (translated in French) “With my brother. He’s eight. And our aunt.”
Boyce: Just an aunt and kid brother.
Ford: Okay. We're gonna find out if she's telling the truth. Boyce, you stay here. If she runs, shoot her. Let's go.
Boyce: (translated in French) “You and I wait here. He’s just going to look. That’s all.”
Boyce: No. No.
Mrs. Lesner: (translated in French) “Who’s down there? I said who’s down there?”
Woman: (translated in French) “Hide yourself.”
Woman: (translated in French) “Mrs. Lesner… it’s just me, Chloe.
Mrs. Lesner: (translated in French) “You shouldn’t be out. I’ll tell the captain.”
Chloe: (translated in French) “I’m going home.”
Mrs. Lesner: (translated in French) “He’ll take you to the church!
Chloe: (translated in French) “No, no, I’m going home. (as Mrs. Lesner blows a whistle) No, stop!”
Mrs. Lesner: (translated in French) “This girl is out past curfew!
Chloe: (translated in French) “I’m going home!”
Chloe: (translated in French) “All is good. All is good.”
Tibbet: Girl tip them off?
Boyce: No. I don't think she likes the Germans any more than we do.
Chloe: Because they're pigs. I needed to make sure you weren't as well. This way.
Tibbet: (chuckles) Oh, man, that's beautiful. Ooh la la la. Oui, oui. Oh, you know, we go to Eiffel Tower and all that shit. (chuckles)
Tibbet: What the hell is that?
Chloe: My aunt. She’s sick.
Chloe: (whispers) Be quiet.
Tibbet: Me? Tell this kid not to do creepy shit like that.
Ford: Is she gonna be a problem?
Chloe: No. She's very sick.
Chase: Bonjour.
Tibbet: A lot of Krauts moving around out there. Two buzzsaws by my count. And that wall is well fortified, too.
Ford: Everybody de-rig. All the explosives and timers on this table, and I need a count. (to Chloe) Ma'am. Have you been inside that compound?
Chloe: No. The trucks go in and out, but we are shit if we go near it.
Ford: We'll have to clock their patrols and scale it in a gap.
Tibbet: Oh, and hope that there's not a firing squad waiting for us behind that wall?
Ford: We just need enough time to place the explosives on that tower.
Tibbet, if we could put you in a good position, you think you could keep those buzzsaws off Chase and I if they see us dropping over?
Chase: Wait, what?
Tibbet: I mean, I can buy you some time, but once I start popping, they're gonna be coming out of every door. I can't cover that.
Boyce: Well, what if I...
Chase: I'm not sure that I'm the best person to climb the tower.
Boyce: Maybe I could go.
Boyce: What are they doing with them?
Chloe: What they've done to so many. To my parents.
Boyce: Oh, shit!
Tibbet: Jesus Christ.
Chloe: You can't stay here. They patrol all night, inspecting houses, doing whatever they like.
Ford: We just need to stay here till that tower comes down in less than four hours.
Tibbet: Don't worry, sweetheart.
Tibbet: Oh, Jesus! We got to put a bell on this little fuck, or something.
Chase: (stammers) There's a lot of soldiers out there and there's only four of us. So, maybe we should wait. See if more of our guys show up first.
Tibbet: Pretty boy, you finally said something smart.
Chase: Thank you.
Tibbet: Corporal, there is no sense committing suicide over some tower.
Boyce: We all heard the Sergeant. The planes can't provide air support to the beaches unless we take the tower out.
Tibbet: Oh, listen to you!
Boyce: Right?
Tibbet: All of a sudden talking like a real soldier there, Boyce. And what are you prepared to do to take out those Krauts?
Boyce: Whatever I have to.
Tibbet: Whatever you have to. And what is that exactly? Tell me more.
Boyce: What's your point, Tibbet?
Tibbet: My point is you couldn't even kill a mouse, could you? Corporal, you've got to hear this. We had this mouse, he gets in the barracks back at base, right? The thing's shitting all over the place, so Sarge, he orders somebody to kill it. So Boyce here, he catches the thing in his boot and he sets it loose in a field. But the mouse comes back the next night, and it's crapping all over Sarge's pillow. So Sarge, he has us running up hills all morning for that shit. You're not built for this, Boyce. Even if you were, there's 10 Krauts to every one of us.
Ford: Tibbet, enough! And go see if anyone else made it to the rally point. Take Chase with you.
Tibbet: Oh, goddamn it.
Ford: Chase, go. And be back here at 0300.
Tibbet: What?
Tibbet: It's all pops and clicks. I don't understand what you're saying.
Chloe: He asked if you wanted to play. He thinks all Americans play baseball.
Tibbet: Yeah, well, not this one. Tell him to get a pool cue and five bucks and we'll be in business. (to Chase) Chase, move it!
Ford: Ma'am? Thank you. (to Ford) I need you to go downstairs and make sure everything stays clear.
Boyce: Right, but Tibbet and Chase, they probably need a little...
Ford: Boyce, go.
Chloe: (offscreen) I told you my aunt was sick.
Boyce: What happened to her?
Chloe: I don't know. Ask the Germans. She hasn't spoken since I got her back from the church. I need to clean that.
Tibbet: (whispers) Let’s go!
Chloe: I liked the story about the mouse.
Boyce: Your English is good.
Chloe: I went to university in London to be a veterinarian. Then the war came, and everything changed. That's Paul. And I'm Chloe.
Boyce: I'm Ed.
Boyce: (translated in French) “Reminds me of home.”
[He rolls the ball back to Paul.]
Chloe: Your French has a different sound.
Boyce: My grandmother taught me. She was from Haiti. But she moved to the States. She was in Louisiana.
Chloe: I don't know Louisiana.
Boyce: It's hot. (chuckles) It's hot.
Chloe: And, um, there is no war there?
Boyce: Not like this. You said before that, um, the Germans, they took your parents?
Chloe: Our father first. A few weeks later they come for our mother. (sniffles) The German doctor, he believes the tar in the ground has some kind of a power. (scoffs) He calls it his science. But it's just an excuse to kill us.
Wafner: (translated in French) “Good evening, Miss Laurent. May I come in?”
Wafner: (translated in French) “Another miserable night…. Looking for volunteers. Alas… such is life.
Wafner: (translated in French) What are you doing?
Chloe: (translated in French) Nothing.
Wafner: (translated in French) That’s strange… no rabbit tonight? You didn’t cook anything?
Chloe: (translated in French) I was busy.
Wafner: (translated in French) Doing what?
Chloe: (translated in French) Helping my aunt.
Wafner: (translated in French) Okay. Do you have a moment for us?
Chloe: (translated in French) Not tonight. Please…
Wafner: (translated in French) Must we always go through this? Need I remind you of our agreement?
Chloe: (translated in French) I’m sorry, I don’t feel well.
Wafner: I don’t have time for this tonight, Chloe. I don’t have time tonight. Where’s Paul?
Chloe: (translated in French) He’s sleeping.
Wafner: He sleeps in the attic?
Wafner: Stay here, Chloe.
German Soldier: It’s just a kid with a ball.
Wafner: So he can’t sleep, am I right? Perhaps the doctor can help him with that… like he helped your aunt. Shall we take him there? Or shall I stay?
Chloe: Stay.
Wafner: I’m so glad. Thank you.
German Soldier: Yes, boss. Let’s move.
Boyce: Get up, you piece of shit.
Wafner: (translated in German) “Someone’s been unfaithful…”
Boyce: (to Chloe) You okay?
Wafner: She is for now. But none of you will be for very long.
Ford: Don't worry about us, Franz. I like our odds a whole lot better than yours right now.
Ford: This is very nice. Did your boss give this to you for hitting your execution quota?
Ford: I need some kind of sack. Boyce, you just put the whole fucking mission at risk.
Boyce: Corporal, we couldn't just let her...
Ford: Shut up. Go get Tibbet and Chase. We got to move on that tower.
Boyce: Oh, fuck!
Boyce: Shit!
Boyce: Jacob?
Boyce: Shh. Be quiet.
Rosenfeld: We got to get the hell out of here.
Rosenfeld: No, wait. I'm sorry.
Boyce: Listen to me! I have to pull it out, okay? This might hurt. Sorry. Come on. Come on.
Rosenfeld: What now?
Boyce: Yeah, here.
Boyce: Here. Cover us.
Boyce: Hurry. Come on.
Tibbet: It's been too long. Ten bucks says Boyce got himself grabbed.
Tibbet: (sighs) Don't you got yourself a dog to play with or something?
Tibbet: Jesus, Chase. Enough with the camera.
Tibbet: No luck?
Ford: I sent him to you.
Tibbet: So it's my fault Boyce didn't show up? You said wait at the bridge. I waited. It's a miracle I even kept Jughead here alive.
Boyce: (offscreen) Hey! Some help!
Tibbet: What happened to him?
Boyce: I found him inside the church.
Rosenfeld: Krauts grabbed me as soon as I hit the ground. Woke up with all kinds of shit stuck in me.
Ford: Inside the church? How did you get inside the church?
Boyce: (panting) On dead bodies.
Ford: Slow down. Slow down.
Boyce: Listen to me. They're doing experiments on them in there. They're doing experiments on the villagers!
Ford: What?
Boyce: Just like her aunt. They're burning people with these flamethrowers, and they're still moving, the bodies… And they're pumping tar from the ground into these cocoon things...
Ford: Breathe. Did you get eyes on the tower compound?
Boyce: She doesn't have a body and she's still talking, and I saw Rosenfeld...
Ford: Boyce! (Boyce gasps) Did you get eyes on the tower compound?
Boyce: (pants heavily then stammers) The tower base... Yeah. ...is below the ground. But there's more than that down there.
Ford: Okay.
Boyce: Okay. Okay. Look.
Tibbet: What the hell is that?
Ford: What is this shit?
Ford: What is that, German? I don't understand German. Do you understand German? I don't speak German.
Wafner: I'm simply an officer for the Fuhrer. I know nothing of what the doctor does.
Ford: Oh, you don't?
Wafner: No.
Ford: Well, I don't think that the, uh, private here, I don't think he believes you.
Boyce: I saw your men and the doctor burn those people.
Wafner: (exhales) This is war, ja? (Ford scoffs) People die in many unfortunate ways. I'm sure your corporal has killed many people.
Ford: Oh, yeah. Hey. Stay focused. I'm on the clock here, Franz, so if you don't tell me what I need to know, the private here is gonna paint this room with you. (Wafner snickers) What do you do with those people that you take into that church?
Wafner: They have been given a purpose. (speaking French) “For once in their pathetic lives they have value… Like your aunt, the blood and the bodies of this village… will contribute in ways you can hardly imagine.
[Chloe stabs the German with a knife and he screams in pain.]
Ford: Get her off! Get her the fuck out of here.
Ford: (sighs) Ugh. (exhales) Sorry about that. Now, we don't need this because it's got nothing to do with us.
[He drops the syringe on the ground.]
Wafner: Fuck you.
[He pulls the knife out of his body and pins it close to his head.]
Ford: Get him up.
Boyce: What are we doing now?
Ford: Hoist him up.
Boyce: What?
Ford: Hoist him up.
Wafner: Nein. Nein.
Boyce: Corporal, why do we need to hoist him up for? We know he's not gonna talk. You said we have to move. We have a mission, right? Right?
Ford: You know what I need to know. What's inside that compound wall of yours? Men, weapon, everything. Hmm?
Wafner: Fuck you.
Ford: Hey, Franz… I'm gonna win this one.
Ford: You're gonna fucking talk. You're gonna fucking talk.
Boyce: Ford!
Ford: What?
Boyce: What the hell are we doing?
Ford: You think this asshole deserves better?
Boyce: We're not him!
Ford: You want to beat them, you play just as dirty as they do. Now get the fuck back.
Ford: How many men you have behind that wall? (punches Wafner) How many troops inside that compound?
Ford: Get the fuck out of here.
Chloe: (translated in French) I don’t recognize myself anymore.
Boyce: Three months ago, I was cutting grass in my front yard and the mailman shows up with a letter from the Army. Now I'm here. With no idea of where I'm gonna end up.
Ford: If we can believe him, they got at least 40 men inside the wall.
Chase: (stammers) Forty? Well, definitely that's too many. Right? It's too many.
Ford: It'll make it tough to slip by. Tibbet'll have to keep them busy long enough for you and me to rig that tower.
Chase: You still going with that plan?
Ford: It's all we got.
Boyce: You know, there might be access to the tower from inside. I mean, I saw some kind of operations room when I was down there.
Ford: So we gotta fight our way into the church and then fight our way out? No. It's better to stay outside. Sixty minutes until they hit the beach. (to Chloe) You got a vehicle we can use? You won't get it back.
Chloe: My father kept one in the garage.
Ford: Chase, go get the Kraut ready to travel. We're gonna use him to draw a crowd. Show me this garage.
Chase: Hey. Time to move.
Chase: Hey. Fella. Wake up.
Chase: I think I'm gonna need some help...
Chase: No! No! Stop it! Stop! Let go! No! Help!
Boyce: Chase!
Chloe: Hey, hey, hey.
Boyce: Chase, Chase, Chase.
Chase: He was asleep. (stammers) He was asleep.
Ford: Goddamn it.
Tibbet: Shut up. It's not your fault.
Chloe: Put pressure on it.
Ford: Yeah, put pressure.
Chase: Is it bad? Is it bad?
Boyce: Shh. Just look at me. You're fine. You're fine.
Tibbet: How's he doing?
Boyce: Chase.
Tibbet: (to Wafner) Open your mouth, huh. (sticks the gun in Wafner’s mouth) There you go.
Chase: Hey, Ed? Don't let me die, okay?
Boyce: You're not gonna die. You're all right. You're all right.
[Chase wheezes in pain.]
Ford: Pressure, put pressure. Come on, Chase. It's gonna be okay, son.
Chase: I don't feel good.
Chloe: Stay down, stay down.
Boyce: Chase, relax, relax, relax. You're all right. (Chase wheezes)
Ford: You're all right, Chase. Just stay with us. Look at me, Chase, look at me.
Boyce: Chase. Chase.
Chase: Where's my camera?
Boyce: It's right here. It's your camera. (Chase wheezes) Chase. Chase.
[Chase wheezes deeply before succumbing to his wound.]
Boyce: Chase.
Tibbet: Let me put a bullet in his fat Kraut face!
Ford: No, no, no, no, we still need him.
Tibbet: I'll get you another one!
Rosenfeld: What are you doing?
Ford: Boyce, he's dead. Rosenfeld, get these explosives off the table. We need to move. If they haven't heard us by now, they just did.
Tibbet: (pushes Wafner) Move it! Keep moving. Move!
Ford: Boyce, explosives, now. Come on. Air support can't cover that beach as long as that tower's still up.
Tibbet: (to a smirking Wafner) What are you smiling at, buddy?
[Suddenly, Chase rises up, alive and wheezing.]
Ford: Holy Christ.
Boyce: Uh...
Wafner: You asked what the serum was, Corporal.
Chase: I'm thirsty.
[Ford hands Chase a canister of water.]
Ford: How do you... How do you feel?
[The now-alive soldier drinks up the entire canister.]
Chase: (belches) I feel really good. (hiccups) Doesn't even hurt. (chuckles) Not as bad as it looks, I guess.
[He crushes the empty canister with his bare hand.]
Chase: That's weird.
Tibbet: Add it to the list.
Ford: Chase?
Chase: Huh?
Ford: Can you stand up?
Chase: Yeah.
[He quickly stands up.]
Tibbet: Whoa, whoa. Easy.
Chase: (exhales) Is it hot in here? (removes his jackets) I feel hot.
Ford: Chase. Chase. Maybe you should sit down.
Chase: My head hurts.
Ford: What the fuck?
Chase: Ed?
Boyce: Chase?
Rosenfeld: Oh, my God.
Tibbet: Shit. Jesus.
Chase: (groans) My head hurts.
Tibbet: Whoa, Chase.
Ford: Chase, sit down.
Tibbet: Jesus Christ, Chase! Jesus Christ!
Boyce: (stutters) What's wrong with him?
Ford: I don't know.
Ford: Chase.
Ford: I'm gonna fucking shoot him.
Boyce: Corporal, no, please. Corporal, relax, please. Chase. Hey, pal. Hey, Chase?
Mutated Chase: What did you do to me, Ed?
Mutated Chase: What did you do?
Tibbet: Chase, stop!
Ford: What just happened?
Wafner: A Thousand-Year Reich needs thousand-year soldiers.
Tibbet: You got to be shitting me.
Ford: Boyce. Boyce! Hey. Hey. It's over. It's over! It's over! It wasn't him. That was not Chase. You hear me? It wasn't Chase. Holy shit.
Tibbet: Does somebody want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?
Chloe: Paul.
Ford: Goddamn it!
Paul: (screaming) Chloe! Chloe!
Ford: Fuck!
Chloe: No! Paul! Paul!
Paul: (screaming) Chloe!
Ford: Fuck!
Chloe: Paul!
Corporal Ford: Damn it! We got to move. We take down that tower right now. Boyce, you and I are climbing it. Tibbet and Rosenfeld will cover us.
Boyce: Corporal, wait, what about the kid?
Corporal Ford: Come on, we got to move! Goddamn it!
Boyce: They grabbed him because of us. Wait, wait. And the labs? The shit they're doing down there?
Corporal Ford: That doesn't matter! They're not our mission. We take out the tower, troops come in and deal with whatever's below ground later.
Boyce: Her brother will be dead by then.
Corporal Ford: You forget what your job is, Private?
Private First Class Boyce: It's about more than that now, Corporal!
Corporal Ford: Do I have to drag your ass up that fucking tower?
Private First Class Boyce: Yes, you do. Because I'm not leaving him down there.
Corporal Ford: I gave you an order!
[The two stare off for a moment. Boyce looks to Chloe and Tibbet, then makes a decision.]
Boyce: No. No. No. NO! We have to do this! You know we have to do this, Corporal. I can get us inside. I can. I can get us inside! We can blow the tower from below. We can destroy their fucking labs!
Private First Class Tibbet: We could grab the kid as a bonus. Kill two birds.
Corporal Ford: (scoffs then laughs) If we do this, our odds of walking out of here go down to nearly zero.
Private First Class Tibbet: If we pull it off, that walk back's gonna feel a hell of a lot sweeter.
Private First Class Boyce: And I can lead us straight there.
Corporal Ford: Okay. Tell me while we move.
[Meanwhile in the enemy base, Paul is held captive while Wafner stumbles toward a tray with two syringes. He grabs one.]
Dr. Schmidt: (translated from German) No, don’t! The serum is still unstable. It needs more testing. No!
[He injects it on his thigh and he roars.]
Dr. Schmidt: (translated from German) We’ve never tried it on the living!
[Wafner grabs himself another syringe.]
Dr. Schmidt: (translated from German) Wafner, don’t!
[He injects that as well, roaring like a demon. He twitches and cracks his bones until he turns around, part of his face shot off to show an exposed area where his left cheek used to be. He smiles evilly, rejuvenated as a monster. Back with the heroes, they discuss the plan.]
Private First Class Boyce: There's an old drainage line just east of the church. The tunnel entrance is down the slope.
Corporal Ford: Right. And over here is the church. Make sure you can cover that entrance. Here should give you a good angle on our bait and those two buzzsaws. You got to keep those from getting wound up.
Private First Class Tibbet: Be nice to have a friend to keep any loose Krauts off me.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Yeah, I can cover him while Boyce sneaks you in.
Corporal Ford: Okay. You got to make sure it feels like the entire 101st is laying down on them. We need to pull as many outside as we can.
Private First Class Tibbet: The more they're bunched up for us, the better.
Chloe Laurent: I'll take care of that.
Private First Class Boyce: And be careful.
[Chloe goes off on her own.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Gonna catch on at some point it's just two guys.
Corporal Ford: Just buy us enough time down below to get the ordnance set. Then we'll rescue the kid.
Private First Class Tibbet: I think we can manage that.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Yeah.
Corporal Ford: Good luck.
Private First Class Boyce: You keep your head down.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: You too, Ed. (hugs Boyce)
Private First Class Boyce: Yeah. (to Tibet) Hey.
Private First Class Tibbet: (shakes his hand) Woulda made a hell of a chapter in Dawson's book, huh?
[Boyce chuckles and they head out. Later, Chloe returns to the village, where some German soldiers spot her.]
German Soldier: (translated from German) “She’s mine. Take care of the aunt!”
[He gets on his motorbike and chases after Chloe while the others go inside the house to kill her aunt. The chase goes from the alleyway to the woods until eventually, the soldier corners Chloe on the bridge.]
Chloe: (translated from German) “Please… I was just looking for my brother.”
[As the German soldier approaches, she punches him. He retaliates by throwing her to the ground. However, Chloe laughs and before he knows it, he’s knocked down by Ford while Boyce holds him at gunpoint. Some time later, that same soldier arrives at the base on his motorbike. However, his mouth is taped shut while his hands are tied to the handles. He shakes around in fear while a soldier approaches him, speaking in German. Eventually, he removes the tape from his mouth, revealing a small pin on it. The soldier’s mouth is stuffed with a grenade while some explosives are on the motorbike. BOOM! The explosives go off, killing the captive soldier and blowing up their vehicles. Some of the soldiers are dead while others suffer in great pain. As the air-raid siren wails, Rosenfeld and Tibbet shoot down the enemies while behind cover.]
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Reloading!
Private First Class Tibbet: Hurry up, Rosenfeld, I need you! (as the soldiers fire back) Shit! (shoots down more) Come on, you fuck!
[Some German soldiers come out from the door.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Door! Get the door! Get the door!
[Rosenfeld shoots down the soldiers by the door. Meanwhile, Boyce, Ford, and Chloe are in the sewers.]
Corporal Ford: Sounds like the package did its job. Hopefully those two can pull the rest away.
[They stop and look through a grate to see the Nazi soldiers run by. Once the coast is clear, Boyce pulls down the grate. Back outside, Tibbet and Rosenfeld keep shooting at the enemy troops.]
Tibbet: Don't stop shooting.
Rosenfeld: It's a two-person gun, you bastard!
Tibbet: Shit! Goddamn it! (shoots down some soldiers) Let's move. Move!
[As the two move out, back inside with the others, they come to the radio tower.]
Corporal Ford: Okay, where now?
Boyce: I think the tower room is down this way.
Chloe Laurent: What about Paul?
Corporal Ford: We rig this place, then we find your brother.
Boyce: Listen, we'll find him. Don't worry.
Chloe Laurent: No. I don't have time for that. (walks off)
Boyce: Chloe. Chloe!
Corporal Ford: She was never gonna wait.
[As Chloe sneaks around, she stops to confront two enemy soldiers.]
Chloe: (translated from German) “My brother. Where is he? Where?!”
German Soldier: (translated from German) “How should we know?”
[She shoots him in the head, then points her gun at the other.]
Chloe: (translated from German) “Do you know where my brother is?”
[In the radio tower, a German messenger speaks out on the radio until he gets his throat slit by Ford’s knife.]
Corporal Ford: Boyce, go get started on those labs that you saw. Boats on the beach in 20 minutes. I'm setting these timers for 18. Anybody still down here after that is not making it out. Go.
[Boyce runs off as Ford sets down some explosives. Back with Chloe, she keeps the other soldier at gunpoint as he points to a cell where Paul might be in. She demands he open it and he does so. Chloe goes to look inside.]
Chloe Laurent: Paul? Paul?
[She only finds a bloody mess to her horror. The German soldier gets out his gun and prepares to shoot her, but Boyce knocks him down.]
Chloe Laurent: He said Paul was in there.
Boyce: Hey. Paul's not in there. Come on!
[As they prepare to go, they stop to see the knocked-down soldier get dragged into the room, screaming as something attacks him offscreen.]
Boyce: Come on. Come on!
[They run off as a monstrous figure comes out of the cell. Out in the woods, Tibbet and Rosenfeld run as enemy soldiers fire at them. Rosenfeld trips on the ground.]
Rosenfeld: Tibbet!
Tibbet: Oh, shit. (shoots down some soldiers) Move it! Move that ass! Go!
[Rosenfeld gets up and runs with Tibbet. Back in the base, Boyce and Chloe arrive in the lab.]
Boyce: This is where they had Jacob.
[A faint moaning is heard nearby.]
Boyce: (whispers) Slow, slow, slow.
[They walk slowly and carefully. They hear some German soldiers nearby, so they hide behind some support beams. When the coast is clear, they keep walking.]
Chloe Laurent: (softly) Paul?
[They hear soft whimpering nearby.]
Chloe Laurent: Paul?
Paul Laurent: (offscreen) Chloe!
Chloe Laurent: Paul?
Paul Laurent: (offscreen) Chloe!
[They come to two shrouded beds. They uncover one, but it’s just a dead body. Luckily, the other one is Paul, alive and not mutated. Boyce and Chloe free him from the bed.]
Boyce: Let's go. Let's go! Hurry and get him up. Let's go. Hurry up and get him out.
Chloe Laurent: No.
Boyce: I have to finish this. I have to finish this! I'll catch up. I'll catch up.
Chloe Laurent: Be careful.
Boyce: Go.
[As Chloe and Paul leave, Boyce walks off on his own. Something runs by behind him without being noticed. On the Laurents, they find the same vent used to enter the base.]
Chloe: (translated from French) “Look here, go. You’ve gotta go through here.”
[They crawl down the vent to enter the sewers.]
Chloe: (translated from French) “This way, this way! Don’t worry. Okay. It’s very simple.”
[Suddenly, a mutated hand grabs her and drags her back into the base. It belongs to that of a mutated test subject.]
Paul Laurent: Chloe!
[It sees Paul and roars, scaring the little boy.]
Chloe Laurent: Go, Paul, go!
[Paul runs off and Chloe fires her gun at the test subject. It tries to punch her, but she moves out of the way. She struggles to hold it at bay before shooting it through its head. Unfortunately, it twitches back to life and Chloe runs away. She runs down the hall as it chases her. Soon, she finds some flamethrowers nearby. Then, as the test subject comes to her location, she uses one to scorch the mutant to a crisp. Chloe puts down the flamethrower and leaves the base. Meanwhile, Ford plants some explosives in the lab until he is confronted by the mutated Wafner.]
Mutated Wafner: Hello, Corporal.
[He grabs Ford and bashes him around. Then, he finds a ticking clock on an explosive and crushes it. On Boyce, he ties the fuse around another explosive and searches in his backpack when Dr. Schmidt comes up from behind, pointing a gun at his head. He tells the soldier to get up in German. Back on Ford and Wafner…]
Mutated Wafner: I had so hoped to see you again, Corporal.
[Ford gets out his gun, but Wafner twists his hand.]
Mutated Wafner: I wanted to thank you… (as Ford screams in pain) for helping me become the man that I am. (pins Ford against the wall) This one, Corporal, I'm going to win.
[Back with Boyce, he gets up while Dr. Schmidt keeps his gun on his head. He speaks to him in German before yelling. Boyce then grabs the mad scientist and the two fight, knocking over a tray of medical tools. Dr. Schmidt picks up a scalpel and tries to stab Boyce, but the soldier grabs him in a chokehold and plunges the tool into his chest, killing the mad man. Outside, Tibbet and Rosenfeld continue to fight off the Nazis. Just then, Paul comes running on the battlefield.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Shit. Cover me!
[Tibbet goes off to save Paul.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Get down! Stay down! Stay down!
[They hide behind a car.]
Private First Class Tibbet: What the hell are you doing, kid? (as he shoots down more German soldiers) Hey, you're okay. You're okay, all right? What do you think you are, Stan Musial or something? All right, look at me. Hold onto me. (Paul holds onto Tibbet; to Rosenfeld) Rosenfeld, go!
[He runs across the village as bullets fly by.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Shit. Rosenfeld!
[He comes to Rosenfeld and gives him Paul.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Somebody's got to put a fucking leash on this...
[Suddenly, he is shot in the back. Chloe comes to shoot down more soldiers.]
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Tibbet! Tibbet!
Chloe Laurent: Paul! Paul!
Paul Laurent: Chloe!
[They hug each other.]
Private First Class Rosenfeld: (picks up the wounded Tibbet) Come on, buddy.
Private First Class Tibbet: Is the kid okay? (to Paul) No more running around for you, all right, kid?
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Chloe, you see Ed or Ford?
[Chloe shakes her head. Back inside the base, Wafner drags Ford across the floor and picks him up.]
Mutated Wafner: I'm afraid I don't have any of your rope. (sees a meat hook hanging by) But...
[He jams the meat hook on Ford’s chest, hanging the corporal as he screams in pain.]
Mutated Wafner: Where were we? Oh, yes.
[He grabs the brass knuckles knife from Ford.]
Mutated Wafner: What's behind those walls? (punches Ford with the knuckles) Me.
Corporal Ford: Fuck you.
[The Hauptsturmführer drops the knife and grabs one of the syringes.]
Mutated Wafner: You know, Corporal, all that power in the tar… running beneath French feet for centuries, it just needed to be refined by their bodies. But they lacked the vision to do it.
[Ford spits at Wafner.]
Mutated Wafner: (laughs evilly) I am a god, Corporal.
[BANG, BANG! Bullets hit Wafner. He turns to see Boyce standing by while holding his gun. Boyce fires more bullets at Wafner, but none of them do damage. As the villain charges toward him, he tries to stop him with a cart. Wafner pushes it aside and throws Boyce against the railing. He picks the soldier up and throws him through the window of a lab. As Wafner jumps through the broken window, Ford painfully pulls himself off the hook, falling to the ground. Wafner pulls out three trays of test subjects.]
Mutated Wafner: Germany will have an invincible army. This Reich, Hitler's Thousand-Year Empire, is going to take over the world.
[Ford grabs the syringe from the floor and injects himself with it. Wafner picks Boyce up from the floor and dunks his head in the water.]
Mutated Wafner: You like her, sweet Chloe? I'll tell her goodbye for you.
[As he dunks Boyce’s head again, he is suddenly impaled with a bar of iron by a mutated Ford. Wafner throws Boyce aside and pulls the bar out of his chest. He turns to face his now-mutated enemy and the two duke it out.]
Mutated Wafner: How does it feel, the blood of eternity flowing through your veins?
Corporal Ford: Not so fucking great.
[They continue to fight. Wafner throws Ford against some oxygen tanks, which the corporal uses one to hit the villain. Wafner knocks Ford down and throws him across the place. As Boyce crawls across the floor with his gun, the corporal finds another oxygen tank nearby and rolls it a few feet from Wafner. The wicked mutant laughs evilly at his futile attempt.]
Corporal Ford: (smirks to Boyce) Boyce.
[Boyce fires at the tank, blowing it up and sending Wafner flying into the tar pit.]
Private First Class Boyce: Ford. Okay. Let's get you up. (gets Ford up) Come on. We got to move.
Corporal Ford: I'm good.
Private First Class Boyce: You're good?
Corporal Ford: I'm good, I'm good.
[Suddenly, Ford pushes Boyce out and closes the gate behind him as he gets down on the ground.]
Private First Class Boyce: What are you doing? What are you doing? Ford! No, Ford, open the gate! Listen to me. Look at me. Ford. Hey. Ford, look at me. Ford. Open the gate. Open the gate, we can fix it.
Corporal Ford: I didn't get the timer set at the tower. You got to go take it down.
Private First Class Boyce: I'll take it down, okay. You just need to open the gate. (as Ford wheezes) Ford. Ford, look at me. Please open the gate. Open the gate!
Corporal Ford: (wheezes in pain) I was never getting back. And this shit, our side shouldn't have it either. It'll have to stay buried down here with me. You got to finish the job, Boyce, and blow this whole fucking place up.
[They hear Wafner roaring as they see a hand grab a railing.]
Corporal Ford: Go!
[Ford gets up and grabs a nearby explosive.]
Private First Class Boyce: Ford, open the gate. Ford, please! There's still time! Ford!
[The three test subjects rise up to life.]
Private First Class Boyce: Open the gate! Ford! Ford, come on!
[Ford lights up the explosive.]
Corporal Ford: The tower, Private Boyce.
[Boyce starts running as Ford sees Wafner and the test subjects growling towards him.]
Corporal Ford: I think I'm done with this. Thanks.
[BOOM! The explosive goes off, blowing up the entire lab and killing Ford, Wafner, and the test subjects. Boyce barely makes it out of the exploding base as the church and tower collapse. Back in the French village, as Tibbet, Rosenfeld, Chloe, and Paul wait by, the radio tells the villager some news.]
Reporter: (via radio) Under the command of General Eisenhower, Allied naval forces, supported by strong air forces, began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France. This communique will be repeated.
Robert St. John: (via radio) This is a momentous hour in world history. This is the invasion of Hitler's Europe. The zero hour of the second front. The men of General Dwight Eisenhower are leaving their landing barges, fighting their way up the beaches into the fortress of Nazi Europe.
[The three see Boyce returning to the village. Shaken, but alive.]
Paul Laurent: Yeah, Boyce!
Robert St. John: (via radio) They are moving in from the sea to attack the enemy under a mammoth cloud of fighter planes under a ceiling of screaming shells from Allied warships. The first news flashes do not say, but a large proportion of this assault is believed to be in the hands of America's men. They unleashed the attack side by side with the British Tommies...
[Boyce walks to a bench and sits down, shaking while breathing heavily.]
Private First Class Tibbet: Ford?
[Boyce shakes his head solemnly. Some time later, he chats to an American commanding officer in his tent.]
Commanding Officer: You had plenty of explosive to take the tower out above ground, but you went below to set the charges.
Private First Class Boyce: Yes, sir.
Commanding Officer: Why would you do something like that, Private?
Private First Class Boyce: Corporal Ford thought it was best. The number of enemy troops, he… He didn't feel we'd be able to hold them off long enough outside, sir.
Commanding Officer: Well, your corporal made a hell of a good call. I just wish he were here for me to tell him that.
Private First Class Boyce: So do I, sir.
Commanding Officer: Go catch a breath. We're gonna fold you into Charlie Company. (Boyce salutes) At ease, Private. Oh, Private? (as Boyce prepares to leave) Did you see anything else when you were down there? There's talk about some kind of Kraut lab. So if there's anything down there that's worth us digging through all that rubble, you'd let us know, right?
Private First Class Boyce: (shakes his head) Just the tower control room. But there's nothing left of that, sir.
Commanding Officer: That's what I figured. Good job, soldier. You and your squad.
Private First Class Boyce: Thank you, sir.
[Cut to Private Tibbet playing cards with Paul under a hut.]
Private First Class Tibbet: No wilds. Matchsticks, five. Buttons, ten. Are you ready? Ante up. Including you, kid. He throws two, and I calls me that...
[Boyce walks over to the two.]
Private First Class Boyce: Finally got yourself a friend.
Paul Laurent: Hey!
Private First Class Tibbet: Kid's bugging the hell out of me. (both chuckle) All right. Two to you.
[Boyce sees Rosenfeld looking alive and well.]
Private First Class Boyce: You look better.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Thanks. Now I just got to convince somebody how I helped save the war.
[Boyce looks over to Chloe, tending to a villager’s wounds. She sees him and smiles at him.]
Private First Class Tibbet: (offscreen) Save the war? All I saw was you missing a bunch of Germans with a machine gun.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: (offscreen) Are you kidding? I saved your ass out there.
Private First Class Tibbet: (offscreen) Is that what happened? I don't remember that. (onscreen; to Paul) Do you remember that? (Paul shakes his head) No? That's what I thought.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: (to Boyce) Did you get your orders?
Private First Class Boyce: Yeah, they're putting us in C Company.
Private First Class Rosenfeld: Jesus Christ, after all that? I thought they would just send us the fuck home.
Private First Class Boyce: Got a job to finish. We got to get Tibbet to Hitler.
Private First Class Tibbet: And then pop!
Private First Class Boyce: (smiles) We all go home.
[Cut out of the hut as the camera zooms out from the village. Roll credits.]