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Long ago, when the pyramids

were still young, -

- Egyptian kings played a game

of great and terrible power.

They did battle with magic and

monsters for riches and glory.

From these Shadow Games

erupted a war -

- that threatened to

destroy the world, -

- until a brave and powerful pharaoh

locked the dark magic away, -

- imprisoning it for all eternity within

the mystical Millennium Items.

But even eternity

doesn't last forever.

It was never to happen, and

for 5000 years it never did.

The secret of the Millennium Puzzle

remain safely beyond reach.

Within the imponderable conundrum

of it's intricate design.

For a boy named Yugi, the mystery

of the Millennium Puzzle -

- remains just that.

The solution, if one exists, eludes him

as it did those that came before him.

But this time, fate has played

a hand in bringing the puzzle -

- and this person together.

It was never to happen.

And for 5000 years it never did.

But while the desert

does it's best to conceal -

- that which should

remain burried, -

- it eventually yielded it's most

ancient and terrible secrets.

We found it. The lost

tomb of Anubis.



sync by The.Mask from Subscene

brought by produksiz from Subscene

Professor, what do you

make of this? It's amazing.

What possessed them to put

the sarcophagus in chains?

Hey, all right!

Maybe this one next.

Yeah! One to go.

I've almost solved the

Millennium Puzzle.

Now what have we here?

Grandpa is sure gonna be surprised

when he sees I've figured -

- this puzzle out all by myself.

The last piece.

This is it.

Awesome! I did it. The

Millennium Puzzle's complete.

What's going on?

- There still are men in there.

- The cave collapses.

This tomb is cursed.

Hey! What is this?


Shadow Creatures. Begone.

I command you!

Return to the dark realm

from whence you came!

It was never to happen but

after 5000 years it did.

And with it the Shadow

Games begin again.

In the three short years since

he started playing Duel Monsters -

- Yugi Moto has risen to

international stardom, -

- by becoming the world wide Duel

Monsters card-playing champion.

But what makes this young

man such a talented duelist?

Is it his masterly strategies?

Or does the secret lie in the -

- powerful God Cards he's

assembled in his deck?

Whatever the reason, Yugi has proven

his dueling powers time and again.

He has reigned victorious in the

most prestigious tournaments, -

- including the Duelist

Kingdom competition.

And most reasonly the Battle City

Finals where once again -

- Yugi defeated former champ

Seto Kaiba to win it all.

Gimme a break. I bet

I could do a circle -

- around this little high

school pipsqueak.

Yugi says his success is due

to his grandfather's coaching -

- and to his belief in the

heart of the cards.

If he'd play me for those God Cards

I'd take that chump down in a flash.

But other say it is the

three Egyptian God Cards -

- that make Yugi

virtually unbeatable.

And so the gauntlet is thrown.

Can anyone defeat Yugi Moto -

- and his unstoppable

Egyptian God Cards?

You wanted a rematch, Seto Kaiba?

You've got one.

And this time things are gonna end

differently, you pompous windbag.

Even you must admit that your

Blue-Eyes White Dragon -

- is powerless against my

Egyptian God Cards.

Make all the smug pronouncements

you like, but know this:

There's got to be a way

to beat your God Cards.

And I won't stop until I find it.

Now I activate the Magic Card -

- Polymerization.

This allows me to fuse my

three dragons together, -

- to form Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

And that's just for starters.

Next I play a Magic Card that doubles

my dragon's attack points:


Now my Blue-Eyes is more powerful

than any monster on the field.

There is more to power

than just attack points.

And just what is that

supposed to mean?

It means my Egyptian God Cards possess

powers far beyond meer monsters.

- They what?

- By sacrificing two of them -

- I can bestow upon the

third, infinite strength.

They are melting.

Hooling their energy.

Now my Obelisk the Tormentor is

the strongest monster in play.

No, I can beat your God Cards.

I won't lose to you again.

Obelisk the Tormentor, show him

what true power is all about.

Attack with Fist of Fury!


My dragon.

- No!

- System overload!

The simulation is malfunctioning.

I'm sorry, Mr. Kaiba, but I was

certain that our calculations -

- were correct this time, sir.

If you just give us one

more chance, sir.

So you can fail again? Sorry.

Please, sir. We're close to

postulating a winning strategem.

Well if I were you I'd start

postulating myself a new job.

You've had more than enough

time to find a way to beat -

- Yugi's Egyptian God Cards. But

as usual I have to do it myself.

- Now, get out!

- Ah, man.

There's gotta be some way

to defeat Yugi's God Cards.

And I think I know

were to start looking.

The God Cards?

What a horrible nightmare.

That's it, no more white wine

spritzers before bedtime for me.

Looks peaceful enough.

Yet I sense chaos.

I may have lost my Millennium

Eye some time ago, -

- but I can still see that something

terrible is about to unfold.

About time the museum got a descent

display of Egyptian artifacts.

Hey, that looks just like

a Millennium Item.

This I gotta see.

This is flight command.

Initiating Duel Dome

launch convertion. Over.

Roger, dock command.

Prepare launch station -

- for immediate dragon-flight. Over.

We show Mr. Kaiba now

approaching primary flight deck.

Begin complete

systems check at once.

- Roger. Vector gauge.

- Check.

- Navigation sensors.

- Check.

- Ready the launch pad.

- Yes, sir. Opening hangar doors.

Blue-Eyes White Jet,

you are clear for take-off.

Activating main thrust rockets.

- I hope you know what you're doing.

- I was just hoping the same thing.

Red wine spritzer, sir.

Can it be? My dear friend Kaiba-boy.

Spare me the pleasantries, Pegasus.

You and I have never been friends,

so let's not start pretending that we are.

Oh, my. Sounds like

someone's need a hug.

No, thanks. But since you mentioned it,

there is something I need.

Listen. I've come to your

little fantasy island -

- in search of a card powerful enough

to beat Yugi's three Egyptian God Cards.

And you believe I'd might have this

all-powerful God-smiting Card because?

Because you created

the game, Pegasus.

Once upon a time, Kaiba-boy,

but I'm retired now.

The only things I create these days are

places like this for the fishies to enjoy.

I know you, Pegasus.

You created the God Cards -

- and would have never let them

out of your sweaty little hands, -

- unless you also created

a way to beat them.

- Just in case.

- Oh, very well, I confess.

I may have one card that could

help, but you can't have it.

- What?

- I'm sorry, Kaiba-boy, -

- but I don't think you deserve it.

True I may not see

as well as I once did.

But to be honest, it

doesn't take a magic eye -

- to see just how thoroughly Yugi has

trounced your sorry behind again and again.

Quite frankly it is embarrassing.

Well since I'm such a disappointment,

you should have no trouble -

- defeating me in a duel.

- And why would I duel you?

Because if you'll put up the card I

need to beat Yugi, I'll wager these.

Wow, you'd rish your precious

Blue-Eyes White Dragons, -

- just for a chance to

trounce little Yugi?

My, my, my, seems you're even

more desperate than I thought.

Well I guess I could dust off my deck.

Kaiba, my dear and devious

friend, let the games begin.

- Come on

- Let's go everybody.

- Wonder what all the commotion's about?

- Don't know.

But I haven't seen this many people

running from school since they served -

- meat loaf surprise last year.

- What in the...

- Let me see.

Wonder who these guys

are all waiting for.

It's him.

Told you he's alot

smaller than on tv.

Me first. Let me at him.

Please just give me one

shot at those God Cards.

Get out of my way! If anyone

gets the God Cards, it's me.

- Help me!

- What's going on with these guys?

Life on the top, T?a. Everyone knows

Yugi is the best duelist around.

So they all want a piece of

him, and those God Cards.

T?a, try to sneak Yugi around the

back, while we hold them off.

- You're sure?

- Yeah, me and Tristan will handle things here.

- Thanks, Joey.

- You can thank him later. Let's go, Yugi.

- The usual plan, T?

- On three, partner.

- On three.

- Quick, after them.

Forget about those nobodies.

- Now wait just a minute.

- What'd you say?

I said you're nobody.

Yeah, that's right. And

everybody knows it too.

Well just everybody

who's anybody, that is.

Listen up. Nobody but

nobody calls me a nobody, -

- a bunch of nobodies. Got that?

- We wanna take on Yugi, not you.

- Yeah, right.

- We want the King of Games, -

- not the King of Lame.

- The Duel Monsters champ, not chump.

The Master of the Gods, not

the Master of the Clods.

I think I get the point, already.

But you gotta prove yourselves first, -

- by doing top-contender,

and I think I know one.

- Seto Kaiba?

- Me! Joey Wheeler.

So if you wanna get

to the King of Games -

- you'll have to go through me,

the Godfather of Games, capiche.

- All right, so who wants some?

- I wants some.

Won't take long. Let's do this.

Okay, ladies first.

Funny. Take this!

I summon Injection Fairy

Lily in attack mode.

Hi, there.

Let's give him a check-up, Lily.

Say ah!

What the...

I sacrifice Fenrir and Inpachi in

order to summon Maju Garzett.

Attack! Sludge Regurgitate.

Hey, didn't nobody ever teach you

to say it, not spray it? Some menace.

Or, boy. Now you're in trouble.

I sacrifice Baby Dragon, Rocket

Warrior and Little-Winguard -

- to summon Gilford the Lightning.

Which means all the monsters you got

out on the field are destroyed, pal.

Lightning Sword.

Ah, nuts!

Maybe now, you'll have the

proper respect for Joey -

- the Godfather of Games.

Is the coast clear yet, Joey?

Hey, it's Yugi. He's back.

- Let's go, Yugi.

- You better watch out.

We're gonna get ya.

- Yeah, they respect ya.

- I've could have been a contender.

Quick! Yugi, this way.

Those guys just won't give up.

We need to find a place to hide.

Some place where we will be save

from that Duel Monsters mob.

Some place they'd never look.

So want do you think, Kaiba-boy?

Is this the latest in duel arena

technology, or what?

This place is an outdated joke.

But then so are you,

so I suppose it fits.

Now, now, Kaiba, let's not get

nasty. Not just yet, anyhow.

Look, enough small talk.

Let's duel!

I'll start things off.

Oh, dear, I'm afraid you're about to

enter into a world of pain, Kaiba-boy.

A world of chaos. A world

of absolute mayhem.

That's right. A world of Toons.

Ha, don't tell me that you're actually

still using that idiotic Toon World card.

Well, this is gonna be even

easier than I thought.

I summon Toon Gemini

Elf in attack mode.

And this for later.

It's your turn, Kaiba-boy.

I summon X-Head Cannon.

I'll throw two cards face down.

For later.

Uh, I'm so scared, Kaiba.

Two cards face down.

Oh, mercy me, what will I do?

No wait that I now play this.

Card of Sanctity.

Isn't it pretty? And it allows us

each to draw until we both -

- have six cards in our hand.

Just what I needed.And now

I'll activate the Magic Card Cost Down.

- Which means that.

- Do you ever shut up?

I know what it means. Now you can summon

your strongest monsters to the field -

- more easily.

Please, what do you take me

for, some kind of a rookie?

You're not quite that

good, Kaiba-boy.

I summon the Toon Dark Magician Girl.

But I won't be using her just yet.

First I'll attack with

the Gemini Elves.

And I think I'll have

them target... -

- you.

Cartoons are so violent

these days.

But we're not through yet.

My elves have another ability.

When they deal damage to a player,

that player loses a card from his hand.

Aren't my Toons simply

magnificent, Kaiba-boy?

Oh, don't look so sour.

Think of it this way, at least it will be them

stopping you little quest to the top and not -

- Yugi-boy for the umpteenth time.

Now then, let's get on with it, shall we?

Oh, Toon Dark Magician Girl, your turn.

I guess it's true that when you get old,

the mind is the first thing to go, because -

- you forgot all about

my face down cards.

And now it's gonna cost you.

Attack Guidance Armor.

This trap's like a magnet that redirects

your own attack right back at you.

No, you wouldn't.

Oh, yes I would. And I will.

Guidance Armor, attach to

the Toon Gemini Elves.

But they were just innocent Toons.

You'll pay for that.

I activate the Magic Card Monster

Reborn to bring them back.

And play Ultimate Offering.

Now for every 500 life points I give up,

I can summon one additional monster.

And by sacrificing my

Toon Gemini Elf, Kaiba-boy, -

- this first monster will be

quite a powerful one.

Introducing the Blue-Eyes

Toon Dragon.

Looks rather vicious, doesn't he?

But don't you worry yourself,

Kaiba-boy, he is actually quite docile.

Well, compared to

the next Toon, that is.

Ladies and gents, the

Toon Summoned Skull.

Sure, I'll have to give up

another 500 of my life ponts, -

- but then, you know what

they say, Kaiba-boy:

You have to spend life

points to take life points.

Of course, you know all about that.

Yugi's been taking your life points

for what, going on three years now?

Oh, I'm sorry to keep

bringing that up.

I activate the Magic Card Dark Core.

Now by discarding one

card from my hand, -

- I can remove any

monster from the game.

I see.

Well then, I'm sorry

Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, -

- but I guess this is goodbye.

Not quite, Pegasus. You won't

be getting off that easily, -

- because I'm discarding Y-Dragon

Head from my hand.

So I can remove X-Head

Cannon from the game.

What? But X-Head Cannon

is your own monster.

What are you scheming?

I also activate the Magic

Card Soul Release.

It removes one more

monster from the game -

- and I'm using it on

my Y-Dragon Head.

Why are you removing

your own monsters?

And now, I summon -

- Z-Metal Tank.

That makes no sense, unless...

Unless I still have one

more card to play, Pegasus.

And it so happens I do.

Activate Return from the

Different Dimension.

It's well worth half my life points

to bring back all my monsters.

And nice trick to know when you wanna

summon more than one monster in a turn.

And as you're well aware, these aren't

just any monsters, Pegasus.

They combine.

Together they create the

ultimate XYZ-Dragon Cannon.

Yes, now I have all the firepower I need

to blast any card I want out of the duel.

If you still say you're gonna win,

then it's time to change your tune.

- Go! Destroy Toon World!

- No!

Use Cannon Firestorm.

That's all folks.

Now let's see which you've

got to beat the Egyptian Gods.

Looks like you had two

cards up your sleeve.

What do you mean, two cards?

- Kaiba, there was only one.

- Yeah, right.

Nice try, you snake.

The museum is the last place those

demented duelists would think to look for you.

Hope you're right.

Hey, it's some kind of

an Egyptian exhibit.

Look, T?a.

That blue pyramid, there.

- It looks like my Millennium Puzzle.

- Yeah, it does.

Let's go check it out.

It says: The tomb of Anubis.

Egyptian Lord of the Dead.

If we stay here I'm

gonna blow chunks.

Okay, I get the point, T?a.

You're not a mummy fan.

Hey, it's my grandfather.

What are you doing here?

Oh, well it looks like great

minds think alike.

- So you came to see that Pyramid, too?

- Yep.

This says, it's called

the Pyramid of Light.

In all my years of egyptology, I've

never come across this relic before.

But it says here it belonged to an evil sorceror

who tried to bring about the end of the world.

Well I guess it's pretty safe to

say his plan didn't work, right?

Legends say a brave pharaoh

destroyed him using -

- the mystical Dagger of Fate.

The same pharaoh who many believed

possessed your Millennium Puzzle.

Come, I'll show you.

See? There is the knife.

- Can we leave?

- What's it say here on his sarcophagus.

Let's see. It's some sort of prophecy.

"The eye that sees what's yet to

come its vision shall be fulfilled -"

"- unless blinded by events


"Thus light and shadows

both be killed."

From the light comes the dark.

T?a? Would you read me the

story about the bunny?

I'm gonna pretend that's the concussion

talking and forget all about it.

'Cause right now we

got bigger problems.

Like where King Tut's

freaky cousin went.

The mummy's body's been stolen.

And that's not all. He napped

that pyramid thing too.

Grandpa. Stay here.

I have a feeling Kaiba's in

danger. I have to warn him.

- Yugi.

- Just keep an eye on Grandpa.

I'll call you.

What hit me?

Probably whatever

broke into the museum.

No. This is terrible.

Yeah, they took the mummy

and the Pyramid of Light.

This is one crime those

crooks is gonna regret.

According to the legend, Anubis found

that he would one day return from the dead.

What's going on?

- You don't really think that...

- T?a, I don't know what to think.

Let's just hope that

legend is just a legend.

Stop the car!

Yugi. I've been looking all over for you.

My brother sent me to find you.

And he says that it's real important

that you bring your Dual Disc, right away.

- Wait, so he's okay then?

- I wouldn't say he's okay.

All I know is that Seto hasn't

been acting like himself lately.

I think he's gonna

totally lose it.

Way to hold back that crowd, champ.

Or, like you helped. Then again

you duel worse than my mom.

You're just lucky I'm worn out, man.

Check it out. What's Kaiba's

limo doing at Yugi's place?

Hey, Yugi, wait up. Stop!

- Bro, I smell trouble.

- Actually that's me. Sorry about that.

My brother's waiting

for you on the top floor.

I got it. Thanks.

Welcome to the

Kaiba Corp. Duel Dome.

Destination: Skytop Dueling Platform.

This is want he wants.

But it is too much of a coincident

that Kaiba would send for us -

- right after the vision we had at the museum.

There must be something more going on here.

And I'm pretty sure it has something

to do with that Anubis guy.

It seams like you had some kind of

battle with him 5000 years ago.

Perhaps. But sadly memories of my

days as the pharaoh are clouded, -

- nor is it clear to me what role the

Egyptian God Cards have to play in all this.

I sure wish we knew more about

what happened back in your past.

All that matters is that we

face the future together.

And I wouldn't have it any other

way. Are you ready partner?



Kaiba's car is outside

so Yugi must be here.

Wow, you're a regular Sherlock Holmes.

Did you figure that out all by yourself?

- Hey, Yugi is upstairs.

- Hey, what's going on?

My brother is about

to duel him.


Glad you came to duel, Yugi.

'Cause this time things

are gonna be different.

Initiating duel simulation.

Calculating player strength.

God Cards destroyed.

I hope you've brought

your Egyptian God Cards.

Otherwise, this duel isn't

gonna be any fun at all.

Kaiba, I'm sensing the present of something far

more dangerous than you can possibly imagine.

Spare me the fairy tales.

- We could all be in great danger.

- I've heard enough.

If you think you sense something

dangerous, you're absolutely right, -

- because it's me and my deck,

and in this Duel Monsters match -

- you're about to lose big-time.

Mokuba, seal all of the exits.

If you say so.

- What's the deal?

- We're trapped, man.

Now what'd you say we get

down to business, already?

Something tells me that this

duel is not a good idea.

Kaiba, why don't you stop thinking about yourself

for once and listen to what I'm telling you?

You're in no position to

be making demands.

So shut up and duel.

And may the best duelist win.

- I guess Yugi's going through with this.

- Kaiba ain't leaving him much choice.

All duel dome exits are now secured.

All dueling systems are online.

You've been taking credit for being

the best duelist for way too long.

And to tell you the

truth I'm sick of it.

By the time this duel is over, you'll be

exposed to the world as a total fraud.

Let's duel!

I'll start.

First I'll summon my Familiar Knight in

defence mode. Try and get past him.

Very well, I shall.

I play Queen's Knight.

And now, say goodbye

to your monster.

Queen's Knight, attack!

By destroying your knight,

I've activated it's speciel ability -

- which allows you to play

a new beast in it's place.

What? Yugi's lost it. Why would

he let Kaiba play a monster -

- with 2400 attack points?

- He did what?

And you're being so

helpful, because why?

Because by doing so I also get

to summon a new monster.

King's Knight.

And these two knights

are in play I can -

- automatically summon

my Jack's Knight.

And next I place one card face down.

Make your move.

Looks like your luck's finally run out.

I'll keep this card face down on the field -

- until the time is right.

Right for me that is.

And then nothing in your deck will

make a difference. Your move, Yugi.

An Egyptian God Card.

I sacrifice my three knights to

bring forth my ultimate creature.

Behold the Egyptian God Card:

Slifer the Sky Dragon.

Your monster is completely defenceless

against the devine power of Slifer.

Now my Sky Dragon. Attack!

Had enough?

Not only am I not afraid

of your God Cards -

- but I'm gonna force you to

summon all three of them at once.

Thanks to my Obligatory

Summon Magic Card -

- you have to bring out every monster

in your deck that falls into -

- the same category as the one

that's on the field already.

Very well. Then I play

two more God Cards.

Obelisk the Tormentor and

The Winged Dragon of Ra.

You've allowed me to assemble the three strongest

and most feared creatures in Duel Monsters, -

- Kaiba. A foolish mistake.

It's no mistake.

My entire strategy was to draw out

your three Egyptian God Cards, -

- so I can be the first duelist

to crush all of them at once.

- And just how do you attend to do that?

- You're about to find out right now.

Reveal Trap Card.

Pyramid of Light.

So the Pyramid of Light is more

than just an ancient artifact.

It's also a card.

Now pyramid, activate!

Looks like your so called unstoppable

monsters have been stopped.


See for yourself.

Wow, check it out.

- Your monsters are useless.

- But how?

He actually did it.

Yugi. What's this?

Oh, man, not more freaky magic.

This weird stuff always

happens when Yugi duels.

- Hey, what're you looking at?

- I think you got it mad.

- Just hang on, man.

- Easier said than done, Joey.

What's going on?

This is crazy.

It's Kaiba's Duel Dome.

That blue beam is the same color of

the Pyramid of Light from the museum -

- and I bet it's no coincidence.

What ever is going on in there, one

thing's for sure: It can't be good.

Yugi, where are you?

Kaiba, do you have any idea

what you've just done?

Well, let's see. I think I

have just beaten you.

Hey, wait a sec. This place

looks kinda familiar.

This is where the pharaoh's spirit lives.

Inside the Millennium Puzzle.

I've gotta find it so

we can reconnect.

I'm pretty sure that one of

these rooms belongs to him.

Question is, which one? There must

be a million doorways in this place.

Oh, man I feel as bad

as you look, Joey.

Tristan. I don't think we're

in Kansas anymore.

It looks like some weird maze. And man,

I think you and I are the lab rats.

Hello? Hello? Pharaoh?

Pharaoh, are you here?




- You hear that?

- Yeah, it sounded like Yugi. Come on.

It hurts doesn't it? When you put your

faith in the Gods and they let you down.

If I were you now is a good time

to start praying for mercy.

Because from here on out, I'm planning

to take you apart piece by painful piece.

So let the torture continue with this:

The torrential magic of

Mystical Space Typhoon.

Your face down card is destroyed.

And if you like that, then

you're gonna love this:

Peten the Dark Clown.

But don't let his name fool you.

He's no laughing matter.

Now, attack with Bloodlust Slash.

And to top it off I'll place

this face down on the field.

That attack it drained me some.

But I'm far from finished.

Magician's Valkyria, attack!

Mystic Sceptre Blast.

Nice try, Yugi, but I knew

you'd make that move, -

- which is why my face down card

is Deck Destruction Virus.

You set off this cribleling trap when

you destroyed my Dark Clown, -

- and now it's viral tentacles will infect

ten random cards from your deck -

- and send them straight to the graveyard.

- Oh, no.

Oh, yes, Yugi. Now say goodbye

to 25 percent of your Duel Deck.


I hate to be the bearer

of even more bad news, -

- but when you destroyed

my Peten the Dark Clown, -

- you activated his special ability,

allowing me to summon another -

- Dark Clown to take his place.

I summon Des Feral Imp.

And next I'll activate the

magical Card of Demise.

It let's me draw five new

cards from my deck.

But if I don't use them in five turns,

I lose them in five turns.

Now I'll sacrifice my Feral Imp and

activate White Dragon Ritual -

- to summon Paladin of White Dragon.

Paladin, attack with

Bionic Spear Burst.

When I lose my life points I'm

losing my actual life energy.

And now, I summon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Take a good look.

It's the monster that's been the bane

of your dueling existence ever since -

- our first match. And now he's back.

But he's not alone.

Any last requests?

There he is. Hey, Pharaoh!

Where did he go?

Hey, hold on!

This isn't his room.

Pharaoh. Oh, no.

Who's there?

- Yugi, you in here?

- Yugi?

(Shrieks) (Screams)


- Talk later. Run now.

- What's with him?

(Tristan and Joey sees the mummies)



Woaw, it looks like an

earthquake hit this place.

- And what in the world is that thing?

- That's what I wanna know.

Mokuba. Is Yugi inside that thing?

He's in there and so is my brother.

- What is it?

- I don't know.

Looks like that artifact we saw back at

the museum, only this one's super-sized.

- But how is something like that possible?

- Anubis.

- You don't think?

- Don't you remember the legend?

Anubis once tried to destroy the world

using the power of the Pyramid of Light.

The Pyramid of Light?

Wait, rewind a sec.

All of this insanity started when

my brother played a card that -

- was called the Pyramid of Light.

- Well, Yugi and Kaiba are inside something -

- from 5000 years ago.

And if the myth is true then Anubis is

using it to finish was he started in the past.

This is crazy. We gotta get

them out of there.

I don't know what dark

powers are at work here -

- but I can't let them go unchecked.

I play Premature Burial to raise

Valkyria from the graveyard -

- and I'll boost her strength

with Mage Power.

It may cost me 800 life points, -

- but my Valkyria now gains 500

attack and defence points

- everytime I play a Magic or

Trap Card. Like these two.

1000 additional attack

points make my Valkyria -

- more than a match for your

Blue-Eyes. Attack, Valkyria, -

- with Mystic Sceptre Blast.

Not so fast, Yugi. Attack Guidance

Armor will save my Blue-Eyes.

- A trap.

- Very observant.

Now your attack is diverted.

And since my Deck Destruction

Virus is still in play -

- it infects ten more

cards in your deck.

I've lost half the cards

in my deck already.

Soon you'll lose them all. But first

I'll bring back an old friend -

- who just hates to say goodbye.

And next... -

- I'm gonna summon up

your worst nightmare.

Because if you couldn't

defeat one Blue-Eyes... -

- there's no way you'll

defeat three, -

- especially when combined as

the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

If you think he's scary now, just wait

till he attacks. In fact don't wait.

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Neutron Blast.

Look at the world's

best duelist now.

- Think we've lost them.

- So what, what are those freaks?

Yugi, what the heck is going on?

We've been drawn into

the Millennium Puzzle -

- and that thing up there is

somehow responsible.

Then what's that, down there?

That blue one looks like the Pyramid

of Light I saw at the museum.

Yeah? Well it looks like it's beating the

crap out of your Millennium Puzzle.

Fighting pyramides and creepy

floating eyes. Wonderful.

- It's crazy.

- Hey. When you around with Yugi -

- it's a path full of coarse.

- So, any idea what we're up against?


I think this all has to do with

an ancient Egyptian sorceror.

I knew it was gonna

be something insane.

He's called Anubis the

Egyptian Lord of the Dead.

- Lord of the Dead?

- Yeah.

Centuries ago he tried to destroy

the world and I'm starting to believe -

- he's trying to make a comeback.

- What?

The eye that sees what's yet

to come its vision shall be fulfilled -

- unless blinded by events


Thus light and shadows

both be killed.

Doesn't look like the duel's going too

well for your friend the pharaoh.

Yeah, we got to do something to help him.

And all I can think of right now is -

- to head back to Anubis' tomb.

- You mean back towards the mummies?

- Hey, come on. We already know -

- we can outrun them.

Does it hurt Yugi? Because it

only gets worse from here.

Kaiba, we can't continue this Duel.

There's another power at work here, -

- and it's destroying us both.

- That's getting a bit old.

No. That Pyramid of Light has

created a deadly Shadow Game.

I know you sense it we must stop now.

The only thing I sense is your

fear. Not that I blame you.

But I came here to win and

stopping's not an option.

For all the times you humiliated me in a duel,

when clearly I should have been champion.

For all the times I'd had to listen to your

preach about the heart of the cards.

You're going down, Yugi. And my Blue-Eyes

Ultimate Dragon is gonna put you there.

Kaiba, once again your ridiculously

over-inflated ego blinds you to the truth.

I am far from beaten.

I play Monster Reborn.

To bring back Dark Magician Girl.

Next I reveal my face

down card, Sage's Stone.

When Dark Magician Girl is on the

field and Sage's Stone is played, -

- it allows me to automatically

summon Dark Magician.

- Big deal.

- Oh, it's a very big deal.

For now I sacrifice both magicians -

- to summon the

Sorceror of Dark Magic.

And with his rise to power comes

your Blue-Eyes far from grace.

Because for everyone of my sorceror's

fallen comrades in the graveyard -

- your dragon loses 500 points.

And right now there have been

three magicians laid down to rest, -

- so your precious Ultimate Dragon's

power decreases by 1500 points.

But that means my Blue-Eyes Ultimate

Dragon is vulnerable to attack.

That's exactly what it means.

Attack with Celestial Blast.

Now, will you stop this madness?

After one lucky move?

I don't think so.

Very well, Kaiba you leave me no choice.

I move to attack Peten the Dark Clown.

No, I'll have no monsters on the

field to defend my life points.

Sorcerer, Celestial Blast attack!

You may have destroyed my

clown, but you forgot about -

- Deck Virus Trap Card.

And at a time when you couldn't afford to.

Your deck's about to be wiped out.

- What?

- Sorry, Kaiba...

But my Sorceror of Dark Magic

mystic's powers are so mighty, -

- he can stop the activation of Trap Cards,

like your Deck Virus and destroy it.

- My deck is safe.

- But your life points aren't.

I activate the magic of

Monster Reborn.

Then I sacrifice my reborned Ultimate

Dragon to summon a new monster.

- What?

- That's right.

You see I have an even more powerful

monster, compliments of Pegasus.

A shiny new dragon.

The Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.

Could it be? A card I'd

never seen before?

And for every dragon in my graveyard -

- the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon gains

an additional 300 attack points.

That's an extra 1500 attack points, -

- for at punishing grand

total of 4500 points.

But don't forget, due to

my sorceres' powers, -

- your new dragon's attack

points decrease by 1500.

I don't think so. Thanks to my

dragon's Shining Diffusion.

What, your points didn't decrease.

Exactly. That's because my Blue-Eyes Shining

Dragon allows me to choose which Magic Trap -

- or Monster Effect Cards

can be used against him.

Just face it, Yugi, your days as

a champion duelist are over.

My Shining Dragon is gonna blast

you back to the minor leagues -

- where you belong.

Now, hit him again, Blue-Eyes.

Shining Neutron Blast.

How do you like it? The pain, the

sting of defeat. I felt it for too long.

Now it's your turn.

You're sure this is the

way to that mummy guy?

Yeah, every hallway

looks the same.

- Hey, what's wrong, Yugi?

- It's weird.

Suddenly I feel really weak, guys.

Check it out. It's some

kind of energy stream.

Maybe if we follow this thing,

it'll lead us to Anubis.

Sounds like a plan, come on, pal.

It's putting out energy waves that

are making my pacemaker go haywire.

Up here!

- I'd hurry up.

- Pegasus?

Pegasus, what are you doing here?

How about we start with a

thank you, you little ingrate?

If I hadn't figured out what this whole Pyramid

of Light things about, you'd all be crushed.

You see, Kaiba thinks he got that card from me

when in fact this is all been arranged by an -

- evil lord who tried to take over the

world five millennia ago and is now back -

- to finish the job. I looked it up.

Now, this Anubis has created

the ultimate Shadow Game -

- and he's getting stronger every moment.

- Then the prophecy is being fulfilled.

And Yugi and Kaiba are

right in the middle of it.

We just gotta find a

way to help them.

- Looks like this is it.

- Yeah.

Foolish mortals there is nothing

you can do to stop my rebirth.

I have infiltrated the realm of the

pharaoh and his life force now feeds mine.

We won't stand here while you suck

the life out of others to save yourself.

- We're gonna take you down, Anubis.

- I'd stay in that casket if I were you.

Yeah, because just in case you haven't

noticed, we've got you outnumbered.

This place is crawling with stiffs.

What do you want, anyway?

Behold the future since you won't

live to see it for yourself.

Soon my beasts of destruction shall

annihilate all traces of life on Earth.

And I will finally complete that

which I started millennia ago.

It is by your very hand that this

devastation will occur, mortal.

For when you released the

pharaoh, you released me as well.

What's he mean?

This is between me and him.

Listen, you guys need to find a way

outta this place and save yourselves.

- I'm gonna stay here and figure this out.

- Figure what out?

There was a prophecy my grandpa

read to me in the museum.

And I think it may have something to

do with this. I just don't know what.

Yugi, that's crazy.

Just go guys.

Wait there's no way we're

leaving you, we're team.

We've been through everything together and

there's no chance we're turning our back on you now.

- That's right.

- But...

The last thing I wanna do is

put my best friends in danger.

What are you doing? T?a, please,

get down from there.

My friends need me. I just know it.

Foolish girl.

T?a, come back in here at once.

I've got to help my friends.

- She's falling.

- Grab her.

I'm coming, guys!

- T?a.

- How did you find us?

Are you kidding me? Remember

the friendship symbol we drew?

- Of course we do.

- The ink may have fated but our -

- bond never will.

- Right.

We're all with you. And we're

always be with you.

Thanks, guys. Friends till the end.

- Yeah.

- Right.

You see? There's nothing out there that's

more powerful than our friendship.

T?a is right. I can feel it. All we

have to do is stick together.

Hey, stick it together,

is what we do best.

We'll never leave your side.

- T?a.

- Your pathetic little bond -

- is nothing against my power.

Soon my soul will be fully restored

and your world shrouded in darkness.

Yet, you fools prate along

about togetherness?

- Then so be it.

- T?a!

- T?a!

- What's out!

What? I can do that.

- Let's take them apart.

- Literally.

- Excuse me.

- Hey, Johnny Rotten. Over here.

Take this.

That wasn't suppose to happen.

- Tristan.

- Kicks to the stomach don't work.

Neither do kicks to the head.

Let's try this.

These carcasses won't quit.

How do you destroy

what's already dead?

It's no use. They just keep coming.

How the mighty has fallen.

Lying there on the ground like a dog

waiting to be put out of it's misery.

Get up, get up so I can

knock you back down.

Something's not right here,

Kaiba, and you know it.

Spare me the mystic mumbojumbo.

You just can't stand that your -

- reputation's at stake.

- You have no idea what's at stake here.

But believe me, I cannot

let you win this duel.

Big Shield Gardna. Defence mode.

You know I think you're the one who doesn't

have clue what this match is really about.

It's about pay back.

And this card will see to that.

But first let's deal with your

so-called Big Shield Gardna.

Do you think it's big enough

to block the power of -

- Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon?

Hey, look. Joey and Tristan.

We gotta get down there.

Shining Dragon attack with

Shining Neutron Blast.

I told you when we started this duel -

- that this time things were

gonna be different, Yugi.

You may have beaten

me in the past, -

- but now there's nothing you can do

to stop me from having my revenge.

You're finished.

Not yet. I'm not.

I activate Pot of Greed which

let's me draw two cards.

Now I summon Watapon

in defense mode.

And since I used Pot of

Greed to play Watapon -

- I can summon another

monster to the field.

And I choose Obnoxious Celtic

Guardian. It's your move.

So let me see if I've

got this right, now.

Your playing a cream puff and an elf.

Well, then it's your funeral.

First the Card of Demise I played before

sends this dragon to the graveyard.

And I know you know what

that means, don't you?

Now my Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon has

more destructive power than ever before.

Kaiba, please listen to me.

All I wanna hear from you is

your anguished cry of defeat.

Kaiba, for the last time,

I'm begging you to stop this.

People are getting hurt,

lives are in danger.

And this Pyramid of Light you've

created is source of it all.

There's a dark power in our

midst and you can't deny it.

With every life point lost, we both

become weaker. I know you can feel it.

We must stop. Before it's too late.

Ridiculous. I can attack Yugi

now with my Shining Dragon -

- and destroy the rest

of his life points.

No, I should stick to

my original strategy -

- and defeat Yugi with his

very own Egyptian God Cards.

I'm afraid that for you

it's already too late, Yugi.

No, Kaiba. Please you mustn't do this

we still have time to stop this madness.

All we have to do is end this duel.

You know, Yugi, you're absolutely right.

Stopping the duel is exactly what I'm gonna do.

Now, Shining Blue-Eyes activate

your final special ability.

No, you're playing with forces

you can't possibly understand.

Finish him. Finish him, now!

No, I wanted a perfect victory,

and with this card I can -

- use Yugi's own most

powerful monsters against him.

I use Shining Nova.

It puts the rage of 1000 Blue-Eyes

into a blast so strong it -

- destroys itself plus

anything I choose.

And the card that will feel the wrath

of my Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon -

- is the Pyramid of Light.

No, I need the pyramid

to destroy the pharaoh.

What am I saying? I must destroy

it to gain control of Yugi's God Cards.

Your reign as the King

of Games is over.

That title will be mine as will all

three of your Egyptian God Cards.

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon

sacrifice yourself -

- and destroy the Pyramid of Light.

This I cannot allow.

What? The Pyramid of Light

wasn't destroyed?

The Pyramid of Light endures because

I will it, so great is my power.

Hey, what is this? Show yourself,

whoever you are.

I have been here the whole time,

mortal, whispering in your ear.

The whole time? No.

This is some sort of trick.

Kaiba. Look out!

Kaiba. No!

You have served

me well, little worm, -

- but you have outlived

your usefulness.

So it's been you behind this whole

duel, manipulating Kaiba all along.

The Egyptian Lord of

the Dead, Anubis.

I am pleased that you remember me

after all these years, my pharaoh.

It will make my ultimate

vengence all the more sweeter.

You will fall and my reign of

destruction shall begin.

- We'll see.

- The souls of your mortal friends -

- have already fallen, trapped

within your puzzle.

- My friends?

- Lost in a labyrinth of the dead.

You're wrong. I can still

sense their presence.

And I will fight to defend them.

No matter what happens, I will not let

your evil plan come to pass, Anubis.

All I need due is defeat

you in this duel.

And the prophecy will be fulfilled.

You will be destroyed.

The magic of the Shadow Games that

you locked away centuries ago -

- will once again be unleashed

into the world.

And I shall finally take my rightful place,

as the pharaoh of this realm.

With the Pyramid of Light

at my command -

- there's nothing you

can do to stop me.

The ultimate Shadow

Game is just beginning.

I summon the terrible beasts,

Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia.

Reverse of Reverse.

Search your deck from

now until doomsday.

And you still won't find anything to stand

against my savage Shadow Realm beasts.

No, my pharaoh, I'm afraid that

for you doomsday is today.

Now watch as your last line of defense

is ripped to shreds before your eyes.

Sphinx Teleia, it is feeding time.

My Celtic Guardian. No.

And now it is your turn,

Andro Sphinx.

Each time Andro Sphinx destroys a monster -

- half of that monster's attack

points are taken away -

- from my opponent's life points.

You have only 100 points left.

- Oh, no.

- Yugi.

Your fate is sealed, pharaoh. Soon

you will be the relic burried away.

Soon worms will feast on your flesh,

just as they did on mine.

Your worms will have to wait, Anubis.

I trust my fate to the heart of the cards.

No monsters. Just two Magic Cards.

That's all I have left.

- He's all yours.

- I don't want you mummy.

That eye up there seems

to be his power source.

Hey, hold on. The prophecy.

The eye that sees whats yet to come.

Its vision shall be fulfilled -

- unless blinded by events


Predetermined events is just

another way of saying fate.

The prophecy means the eye

can be blinded by fate.

Heads up, you freak!

The prophecy, I think

I have figured it out.

- All right. The way is to use your head.

- We'll see.

If I'm right I gotta find

that Dagger of Fate.

Yugi, please hurry!

It's empty. Please be in

here somewhere. Yes.

Here it is.

Let's just hope that

fate is on our side.

Come on!


A weakness in the Pyramid's power.

I activate Double Spell.

By discarding one card from my

hand, I can select a new one -

- from my opponent's graveyard.

And use it as my own.

And I know just the card I want.

Monster Reborn.

So come forth, mighty

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.

And I have a hunch this time, your

pyramid won't be able to stand up to it.

Go, Shining Nova.

Use all your power to finish

what you started before -

- and destroy the Pyramid of Light.


And with that I'll end my turn, now

that the Pyramid of Light is gone.

Your opponent tried and failed to

destroy the pyramid with that dragon.

You alone couldn't make

such a difference.

You're quite right that I could

not have done it all alone.

You may have destroyed

the card, pharaoh, -

- but not the Pyramid of Light around

my neck. Behold its power.

Inspired by your modern sayings:

Two heads are better than one.

Thenien the Great Sphinx.

And now, Pyramid of Light, feed this

perfect beast with Dead Souls Set Free.

Hey look. Tell me that

attack meter is broke.

Say hello, Thenien.

5000 years ago, I

never had the chance -

- to summon Thenien to our battle.

So I think it'd be best if

we made up for lost time -

- and finally had a

proper introduction.

Thenien, meet the pharaoh,

and pharaoh meet your doom.

We don't have anything

that can beat that sphinx.

Yes, we do, Yugi. If I'm correct

about what Kaiba was planning.

Now Anubis, this is still a duel -

- and I still have one face

down card to play.

Reverse of Reverse, -

- which allows me to use the

last card played by Kaiba:

Return from the Different Dimension.

When Kaiba spoke of dealing

me the perfect defeat, -

- he meant wiping me out

with my own Egyptian Gods.

Allow me to introduce Obelisk

the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon -

- and The Winged Dragon of Ra.

My Egyptian Gods, combine

now! For infinite power.

Now go, Titan Firestorm!


- Yeah, Yugi!

- All right!


- You did it.

- We did it.

Kaiba. Are you all right?

Let me help you.

I can take care of myself.

What the...?

Shadows take life.

Creatures be born.

Now let see how well you play this game,

when the monsters are real.

- Monsters?

- For real?

It is no longer time to duel.

Now it is time to die.

Nothing in your decks of

cards can save you now.

It appears you are one

card short, pharaoh.

Yeah, but I'm not.

Attack! Gilford the Lightning

and Gearfried the Iron Knight.


You have no concept of my powers

and now the end begins.

We're pancakes.

Not yet.

These Toon Monsters

won't last long.

We have to get out of here,

while we still have the chance.

Yugi, I know you'll take

this creep down.

Yes, you would, 'cause we will

be with you all the way.

- Always.

- Always.

Fine, fine. Let's go, already.

How can we beat a real monster?

How? With a real monster.

- Yugi.

- What's this?

The one card that can beat him.

It's time to get real with a

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.

- Shining Nova, attack!

- Shining Nova, attack!

If the monsters are real,

so are all their powers -

- including this dragon's ability

to destroy any monster.

Destroy Anubis!

Wow, check it out.


He's not coming back again, right?

We should take a closer look at that prophecy

to see what it foretells for the future.

Oh please, old man. Anubis is gone.

No one could return after suffering a

defeat so thoroughly devastating as that.

Well. No one but Kaiba, that is.

- I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?

- Kaiba.

Oh, please, spare me all your

bull about friendship, will ya?

If it wasn't for that freak crashing

the party we both know that -

- the winner of todays duel

would have been me.

So enjoy your last days of being

champion. Why you still can.

I gotta say it's nice to

have the old Kaiba back.

Yeah? Well this conversation's

over. We'll duel again.

Wait up!

I'm sure glad he didn't bring up all

the damage you did to the Duel Dome.

'Cause I don't think his

insurance is gonna cover this.

He's got plenty of money, Grandpa.

But what he doesn't have is one of these.

And unless he changes he won't

have best friends like this.

What Kaiba doesn't get is

that victory means nothing, -

- unless you can share it

with the people you love.

'Cause then...

You're really a winner.

You can say that again.



sync by The.Mask from Subscene

brought by produksiz from Subscene
